With all the wank whirling around in fandom right now, we need to step back and remember the fun we get out of it.
With that in mind, I've started writing a new Percy genfic set shortly after HBP.
It's unfinished, and as-yet unbetaed, but I feel comfortable enough sharing the opening scene (500 words exactly) for your perusal. [Comments most welcome]
This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J.K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. The author notes that Section 102(b) of the U.S. Copyright Act makes it clear that copyright protection does not extend to ideas, procedures, concepts, principles or discoveries -- only the particular specific expression of them. See the
Chilling Effects Clearinghouse for further information on copyright and trademark law as they pertain to fanfiction.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
A Marked man
"Home alone on a Friday night?
Our exclusive organization offers companionship for well-bred..."
Percy Weasley crumpled the letter, but not before it managed to spray his kitchen with confetti. With a sigh, he wondered what lists the twins had signed him up for now. At least this time, they were sending them to his flat instead of trying to wreak havoc on his office. Maybe they were easing up in anticipation of Bill's wedding?
Percy snorted. That'd be the day. If anything, they'd stepped up their attacks as the big day approached. The only question that remained was what kind of humiliation they planned to inflict at the event itself. Family was worth any sacrifice, but that didn't make him look forward to facing the terrible twins again.
With a quick wave of his wand, Percy dismissed the paper shreds littering his table. A few soggy scraps still floated in his soup. Scowling, he banished that as well. Fortunately, the rest of his meal remained safely sealed. He opened the container and attacked the noodles with his chopsticks.
Fred and George had some nerve! Percy had a solid career with good prospects, was well-liked and respected, and living quite comfortably. Nothing to sneer about. Even if he were alone on Friday night, so what? He relished his peace and quiet, particularly in contrast to the zoo they grew up in.
Percy permitted himself to fume like this only in private. He knew the price of appearing a poor sport. Still, no sense dwelling on what can't be changed. And it wasn't like anyone else would bear the brunt in his stead.
Percy plucked a plum from the fruitbowl when something shiny caught his eye. A small key, about the size of his pinky, must've fallen out of the envelope. Some kind of wave motif had been engraved in the blade.
Percy wiped his hands, fruit forgotten, and picked it up for a closer look. By the time he recognized the design as a snake emerging from a human skull, the portkey's pull made his decision to ignore the invitation moot.
* * *
The key dropped from fingers numbed with shock. His wand was still on the table.
Heart thudding somewhere under his adam's apple, Percy tried to take stock of his surroundings. Mold and mildew filled his nostrils and something slimy coated the cold stone walls.
The only light came from a cat flap near the door. But before Percy could bend down for a better look, in slithered the largest snake he'd ever seen.
Percy froze as it slowly circled his ankles, tongue sniffing for whatever might interest a snake.
It made two circuits in this manner before departing, and he could hear further hissing beyond the door, which then opened to a blinding brightness and two Death Eaters.
"Wand?" one of them asked, holding out his hand.
"Home," he croaked. The hoods nodded as if this were expected.
They took Percy by the arms and escorted him into the light...
To Be Continued...
[And, I've actually written over twice this length, maybe a quarter of the total story, but this came to 500 words even so thought it would make a good preview.]