Oct 24, 2010 21:17
1. Another public-entry vacation update. So, I got sick while in London, thanks to Grange Hotels. Then we flew into Rome... my sinus infection put one of my ears through agony while landing. It was terrible. Then we drove all the way to Tuscany, which was also a little rough, but we got used to it. Thankfully, we bought an Italy add-on for Mom's GPS.
2. I made a grumpy post about Tuscany, because it was really hard to drive to, and in the middle of nowhere. I stayed in and slept a bunch, then felt much better, then really enjoyed it. The B&B was amazing. If I ever have a private jet (I'm so over airlines now), I'm totally going back to that B&B... but I'm bringing a girl, not my parents.
3. Dad did all the driving, because he rented a stick-shift. Of course, I'd have been too scared to drive AT on those roads anyway. And all the roads were gravel, so I never even got to learn how to drive stick-- bummer. We had some nerve-wracking mountain drives while going between cities (we visited Cortona, Florence and Orvieto).
4. Now that I'm back, I really did enjoy the vacation. I'm glad I went, and I'd go again... but like I said, I'm not dealing with airlines again. Maybe take a cruise or something, I don't know. I'll make a small image-post next, but I'm not keen on posting and titling 20 pictures. Might make a photobucket album with open access or something?