(no subject)

Jul 03, 2012 17:34

Title: Lovers at First Sight
Fandom: Bandom (Panic at the Disco, The Academy Is.../William Beckett, Darren Criss)
Pairing(s): William Beckett/Darren Criss/Brendon Urie
Word count: 3,532
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't own anyone. Song is from Strangers in the Night by Frank Sinatra
Summary: Sex. Fits in the How Do You Sleep While The City Is Burning?; after Brendon leaves Ryan's apartment after making plans.
Author's Notes: Birthday porn for tanisafan

To say William Beckett was in a bad mood was a gross understatement. He had a certain established way of life, a certain established way of doing things, and how those things should be done by other people. And he also expected those in his employ to act accordingly. He didn’t think it was asking too much.

But some days, like today when Stump had delivered that story about the Palmer dame’s death to his office, he wondered if perhaps he was asking too much of his underlings. He’d never had a problem with Urie before today, though, and he had no reason to doubt that Urie was being anything but untruthful.

He’d gone to the Black Canary tonight to find out whether or not Urie had anything to do with the death, found out that Urie hadn’t, and now he wasn’t sure how to spend the rest of his evening. After all, it was still early.

As he made his way down the back hallways that held the offices, stockroom, and other rooms the cabaret needed to thrive, he considered stopping into Saporta’s office, find out what his other right-hand man was doing, but visiting Saporta always seemed to come with a price. Although he had no problems drinking, and definitely none drinking with either Saporta or Urie, Beckett wasn’t sure the entertainment he wanted tonight could be found in the liquor the speakeasy kept on tap.

He could visit the other businesses he had his finger in - legal and otherwise, even though most of them didn’t have quite the company the Black Canary could provide - but he quickly dismissed that idea too.

He almost wished he’d had an event to attend tonight, just to give himself something to do, but none of his associates were throwing parties. Maybe he’d just go back to his place and organize the outfits he’d wear for the parties that would occur in the next few days.

He’d just come to that conclusion and was about to make his way out of the cabaret proper when someone bumped into him.

“Oh! I’m sorry!” The speaker was shorter than Beckett was - although, as Urie frequently complained, everyone was short compared to Beckett and Saporta - and Beckett was fairly sure that he didn’t know this particular young man. He had a mess of curly dark hair, dark eyes, and what seemed like the same easy going smile Urie gave people he especially trusted. There was even a similarity between Urie and this young man about his features, but Beckett knew that none of Urie’s family resided in Chicago.

Although Beckett was fairly sure that he knew all the employees of The Black Canary but not this particular one, the young man was dressed in the same outfit that the cabaret’s band was required to wear in accordance to the theme Urie had picked out for the cabaret: black pants, white dress shirt, suspenders and the bright makeup that always reminded Beckett a bit of a circus clown. Beckett didn’t see the suit coat that completed the costume, though.

“I’m afraid you don’t look familiar to me,” Beckett commented, still studying the young man, who’s smile didn’t seem to waver under his gaze. Urie was Beckett’s usual interest, but this young man was definitely handsome enough to warrant his interest. Beckett briefly wondered if Urie had a claim on the young man, and made a mental note to find out later. Much later.

“I’m new here.” The young man hooked his thumbs under his suspenders, still smiling brightly. Beckett wondered if this young man’s face was permanently stuck in that expression. “Just hired a couple days ago.” He seemed to remember his manners suddenly, and unhooked one of his hands to offer his hand to Beckett. “Darren Criss. I play the piano in the band.”

“William Beckett. You could say that I know the owner of the cabaret.” Beckett was careful to not mention the speakeasy part; he wasn’t sure how much this young man knew. Beckett himself knew that half of the band - the bassist and the drummer - were in his mob, but he suspected that the other half of the band wasn’t aware of what the cabaret really was. Besides, he was tied to enough people that unless this young man was living under a rock - hard to imagine in someone who chose to work in a cabaret - he’d know who Beckett was.

Sure enough, Criss’ smiled grew impossibly wider at the introduction. “I’ve heard of you. Plenty of things. Some good, some, well….” He didn’t elaborate, but Beckett had a good idea just what sort of thing the young man had heard, and he wondered what parts of those the young man knew were manufactured lies and which were truthful.

Beckett spread his hands, smiling and adopting an innocent look. “One can’t pick what happens to one’s reputation in a city like Chicago.”

Criss smiled again - rather, still smiled - before glancing toward the main area of the cabaret. “I should probably go. The band’s on a temporary break to use the restrooms and get water.” The smile became less blinding, and back to the easy going, friendly smile he had a few moments before. “Well, it was nice meeting you, Mr. Beckett. Maybe I’ll see you around?”

“Perhaps.” Beckett stepped aside, letting the other man pass and watching him go. He was definitely interested; he could ask Urie for the young man’s information, and whether or not Urie had prior claim. That was, after all, one of the conditions Beckett and Urie had in their personal relationship: one could not go after lovers the other had claimed. Too bad, though: Criss was tempting enough to make Beckett consider breaking that condition.

He made his way to the main area, looking around at the crowd. He spotted Weekes - the cabaret’s resident bassist - and gestured him over for a conversation before the musician’s break was over.


Darren Criss wasn’t sure what to make of what he was doing. Although he was definitely open minded when nearly everyone in the world wasn’t so open minded, this just wasn’t something he did.

This being going to the house of someone he’d only just met, and especially not to go see someone who happened to be the boss of his boss.

Still, despite what he’d heard about William Beckett’s reputation, his bandmates Dallon Weekes and Spencer Smith had nothing but good things to say about Brendon Urie’s boss. Granted, the two also had plenty of positive things to say about the co-owner of The Black Canary himself, but neither were interested in men. Not in the way Darren himself was.

He wondered if meeting Beckett in the middle of the night was cheating on Urie, even though Darren and Urie had never actually done anything. Except in Darren’s head when he went to bed, but he was pretty sure that didn’t actually count.

He’d found Beckett’s house easily enough - the man was located in a very well-to-do neighborhood and it made Darren wonder if the rumors about Beckett being tied to the mob were true - and was just raising his hand to knock on the door when the door was opened by Darren’s boss.

As he stared at Urie in the doorway, Darren was wondering if somehow, he’d just gone home and was now firmly locked in a fantasy in his own mind, because he was pretty sure that his boss would never answer a door in just the dress pants he’d worn to work. And judging by the expression on Urie’s face, his boss was definitely not entirely surprised to see Darren on the doorstep.

Sure enough, Urie stepped to one side to let Darren in, arms crossing over his chest. He looked faintly annoyed to see Darren, but definitely not surprised.

“Did I come at a bad time?” Darren asked, wanting to break the silence that was stretching in the room.

“Pissing contest,” Urie muttered, and Darren wasn’t entirely sure if the comment was directed at him.

After a few moments of standing awkwardly in the foyer, Urie waved a hand after reaching around Darren to lock the front door. “I can imagine why you’re here. Follow me. I’ll need a reliable witness to back me up when I murder ‘em.”

Darren followed Urie up the stairs, trying to keep himself, and mostly failing, from looking around at the artwork that lined the stairs and the upstairs hallway.

“I thought it was only Beckett that lived here.” Darren began, wondering if it was really his place to be asking questions of his boss, but judging by the faint smile Urie shot at him over his shoulder, he was pretty sure that his boss didn’t care.

“He does. I live elsewhere.” Urie paused as they came by a closed door, dropping his voice. “You have to make a promise, though. What happens doesn’t get out. I’ll deny it, Beckett’ll deny it, and you’ll be outta a job. Am I clear?”

Darren licked his lips, but nodded. “Yeah.” He paused before adding, “I won’t be outta a job if I say no to anything, right?” He wasn’t even entirely sure how this was even supposed to work, but he wanted to know.

As if he expected the question, Urie smiled and it was the first geninue smile that Darren had ever seen cross the man’s face. “Nah, I wouldn’t fire you if you said no to anything you didn’t want. Fact, I’d give you a raise if you said no to Beckett.” His voice rose back to normal. “’sides, the man’s a pompous ass.”

“I heard that.” Beckett opened the door, giving Urie a look as he pulled the shorter man closer. Darren bit his lip at the possessive arm Beckett wrapped around Urie’s waist, wondering if he should look away as Beckett kissed Urie with equal possession. He couldn’t bring himself to look away though, and Beckett noticed as he pulled away from Urie.

A smirk crossed Beckett’s lips as he looked at Darren. “You like watching, huh?”

Darren shook his head, feeling his cheeks burn as he forced himself to meet Beckett’s gaze.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that, like Urie, Beckett was only dressed in just his pants. “No. I mean, I don’t know. I’ve never really.” He wasn’t even sure what he was trying to say, so he gave up, finally dropping his gaze to the floor.

Beckett’s hand rested on his chin, lifting it as Beckett leaned in to kiss Darren slowly. Darren felt the heat of it pool in his stomach and he groaned, letting Beckett’s tongue into his mouth.

Beckett pulled away after what felt like an eternity for Darren, still smirking. “Well, I know that I certainly enjoy watching.” He used his hand still on Darren’s chin to turn his head toward Urie and leaned in to whisper in Darren’s ear. “Brendon here is definitely lovely. Don’t you agree?”

Darren had to bite his lip as the soft puffs of breath against his ear threatened to make him hard in his pants. His mind flashed back to Urie’s earlier comment about saying no if he wanted to, but this was starting to feel a lot like a fantasy he’d remember well later, and he was pretty sure he didn’t want to say no. But he nodded mutely, no longer sure if his voice could work right now.

Urie, for his part, stayed right where he was, smiling quietly as if he were aware of what Beckett was whispering in Darren’s ear and the reaction it was having on Darren’s body. But he stayed silent.

Beckett’s lips brushed a spot just behind Darren’s ear before he continued. “I know personally that Brendon’s very talented. Shall we go in the bedroom and you can find out for yourself how talented while I watch?”

Darren nodded again, now sure that his voice was definitely gone for the time being.

Beckett pulled away and Urie headed into the bedroom, sending Darren a coy look over his shoulder. Darren had imagined being on the receiving end of that look hundreds of times in his fantasies, but his imagination paled in contrast to the real thing, and he quickly followed after Brendon. He could hear Beckett following, shutting the door behind them.

Darren glanced toward Beckett as the taller man settled into a chair close to the bed, getting comfortable with a knowledgeable smirk already on his face, before movement to Darren’s other side caused him to look that way.

The movement, he discovered, was Urie getting rid of his pants and walking toward Darren, that same coy look still on his face.

Urie rested a hand lightly on Darren’s chest, the other slipping in under his suit coat to slide under the suspenders Darren still wore. “Before anything, if you need to, we all go by first names in this room.” He slid Darren’s coat off, letting it fall to the floor before his other hand slid to the other suspender and both hands curled around them to pull Darren against him.

“O-okay,” Darren mumbled, eyes falling briefly to Brendon’s lips before the other man closed the distance, kissing him. Although it was rougher than the kiss William had given him, Brendon’s tongue quickly found its way into Darren’s mouth, exploring it wholely even as his hands slid the suspenders off Darren’s shoulders.

Brendon pulled away briefly, his tongue flicking along Darren’s lower lip. “Lose the shoes and socks before this goes further.”

Darren quickly complied, and was rewarded with Brendon pulling him toward the bed with the suspenders. Being in the lead, Brendon fell first, pulling Darren on top of him. This time, though, Darren was the one to lean in and kiss Brendon. The two prior kisses he’d had, and the one he’d witnessed William giving Brendon, gave him an idea of just the sort of kiss Brendon seemed to enjoy. Judging by the sounds Brendon made in the seconds when they weren’t attached at the mouth, he’d definitely gotten the right idea.

From his chair, William coughed as if he felt like he’d been forgotten. Both men on the bed glanced his way and William pointed toward Darren. “You, pants off.”

Brendon licked his lips at the suggestion, rolling them over and working Darren’s pants down. He tossed them to the floor before pulling back to look Darren up and down. Darren knew his cheeks were red again - he could feel them starting to burn again at the attention both men were giving him - but he kept his gaze on Brendon.

“Much better.” William commented and Darren could hear the chair creak as the man got more comfortable. “Brendon, your best show, if you would.”

“With pleasure, sir.” Brendon fell forward, hands landing to either side of Darren’s head, and he smirked down at Darren. Darren wasn’t entirely sure what the other man was thinking, but he got a sudden idea when Brendon moved Darren further up on the bed and crawled down to settle between Darren’s legs.

One hand stroked Darren’s inner thigh, and Darren propped himself up on his forearms to look down at Brendon. Brendon’s hand moved from Darren’s inner thigh to wrap around the base of Darren’s cock and gave him a small squeeze.

“You’re already hard, look at that.” Brendon said, voice already husky as he stroked Darren slowly. “I think you enjoy being watched, nearly as much as I do.”

Darren couldn’t say anything, only give a small groan as his hips rolled up. Brendon’s free hand placed itself on Darren’s hip, holding him down.

“None of that.” Brendon scolded, pink tongue flicking to wet his lips as he leaned down to swipe his tongue along the underside of Darren’s cock. Darren moaned at the hot feel of Brendon’s tongue, followed by the cool air that followed. As if he were waiting for an invitation like that, Brendon leaned forward a bit, hot mouth surrounding Darren’s cock.
Darren’s elbows slid out from under him at the sudden heat on his cock and he fell back against the bed as he moaned. There was a bit of an echoed moan from William’s chair and Darren glanced that way to see William was slowing stroking himself as he watched. At the two moans, Brendon chuckled a bit around Darren, making him moan even louder.

Brendon swallowed Darren a bit more, cheeks hollowing out as he took him in, before he pulled back, making Darren moan at the loss. The man crawled up along Darren, leaning over him and licking his lips like he’d just gotten his favorite treat.

“P-please.” Darren moaned despite himself, biting his lip briefly. “D-don’t. Don’t stop.”

Brendon leaned over, pulling something from the nightstand drawer. “But William wanted a show.” He glanced over at William and Darren glanced that way to see that William had gotten up.

“You’re changing the rules, Brendon.” William said, sliding a hand between the two men on the bed to slide it down Brendon’s chest and stomach and giving Brendon’s cock a slow stroke. “But you do know the best shows.”

He pulled his hand away and took what Brendon had taken from the nightstand from the other man. Darren’s eyes followed it and saw that it was lube. He pushed himself up a bit more, trying to ignore his throbbing cock as he watched William slide a hand down Brendon’s back - Brendon still staying still on his hands and knees, even though Darren had moved up - and down Brendon’s ass. Brendon’s head turned briefly toward William, as if to make sure of where William was, before he looked back at Darren.

“C’mere.” Brendon whispered, reaching a hand to Darren’s chin. Darren shifted closer, gaze flicking toward William as the taller man coated his fingers with the lube, before kissing Brendon roughly.

He knew when William had pushed a finger into Brendon when the man gasped into Darren’s mouth, and Darren couldn’t help but pull away again to watch. Brendon didn’t seem to mind his pulling away, but watched Darren with dark eyes even as Darren watched William slowly fuck Brendon with first one, then two, then three fingers. Brendon, for his part, eventually dropped his gaze from Darren and moaned. Darren couldn’t help but give himself a few strokes at the sight and sound; even his imagination had never given him such a wanton sound or image as the sight and sound of Brendon being slowly fucked on William’s fingers.

William glanced Darren’s way, the smirk returning as his gaze dropped to watch Darren’s hand on his cock even as he twisted his fingers inside Brendon, making the other man moan even harder. “You know, I was thinking that I’d tell Brendon to ride you while I watched and jerked myself off, but I changed my mind.”

He leaned over Brendon, cupping Brendon’s chin with his free hand. “I’m going to fuck you hard, Brendon, and you? You’re gonna suck Darren off.” William glanced Darren’s way before back to Brendon as the other man moaned again, pushing back against the fingers inside him. “You like being filled from both ends, just like a little slut.”

“Y-yeah, god, yeah.” Brendon moaned, turning his head more to kiss William.

William kissed back before he straightened up, pulling his fingers out and curling his fingers into Brendon’s hips. Brendon shifted his weight to his forearms, letting his ass go into the air. Darren had to squeeze himself to make sure he didn’t come from the sight, and watched as William pushed into Brendon roughly.

Brendon moaned, going down even more before his hands slid up to Darren’s thighs. Darren glanced briefly toward William, watching as William set a slowfast rhythm as he fucked Brendon, before he looked back at Brendon and curled his fingers into Brendon’s hair.

Brendon, caught in the middle, licked his lips briefly before he swallowed Darren down again. Darren’s eyes fluttered closed as he curled his fingers more into Brendon’s hair, moaning as Brendon found a rhythm to suck him at that seemed to match the rhythm William was setting.
Darren wasn’t even sure how long it was before he came, exploding into Brendon’s mouth and feeling Brendon swallow as much of it as he could. He opened his eyes as Brendon pulled off Darren, the cum Brendon hadn’t swallowed starting to drip down his chin as he glanced over his shoulder at William.

“Harder!” Brendon gasped and William complied. Both seemed to come almost simultaneously a moment or so later, with a near scream from Brendon and a low possessive moan from William.

Brendon fell forward into Darren, his whole body trembling even as Darren saw Brendon’s eyes start to close in exhaustion. William smiled, rubbing Brendon’s lower back before covering them both up with a blanket from the chair he’d been sitting in before.

“Go to sleep.” William whispered, leaning over both of them to kiss first Brendon, then Darren’s foreheads. “You’ve both earned it.”

Darren gave him a sleepy smile, getting comfortable under Brendon before he followed Brendon into sleep.
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