Sep 22, 2004 00:41
Well today was a busy day at work. I had a lil unexpected visitor =P that was koo. Later on i went home and just watched t.v and then my friends came to get me out of the house, i finished watching my shows and then i was off. WE went to walk around miracle mile. We went by this lil spot by the library and found a wet comp book. The girl seemed very depressed through her entries. I put it back on the bench and headed towards the park. We were running and sprinting it was fun. I am going to make it a point to run regularly. After a while i went home and now i am online passing time....... T.T.F.F
YoU aRe My SuNsHiNe
My OnLy SuNsHiNe
YoU mAkE mE hApPy
WhEn StArS aRe GrEy
YoU'lL nEvEr KnOw DeAr
HoW mUcH i LoVe YoU
So DoN'T taKe My SuNsHiNe AwAy
^ for no reason in particular