Con Report: Gallifrey 2009

Feb 16, 2009 14:36

Yay~ official 'con review' aka PIC SPAM. Downside I didn't get as many/as good pictures as I wanted to - for several reasons. First being simply bad location, second I hate indoor lighting and so does my camera, and lastly because I didn't want to spend the entire time with my eye pressed up against the viewfinder hoping for a shot...I wanted to enjoy the panels! Upside though is that I did end up having alot of fun and enjoying myself. I know I'd talked to a few of you after/during the first day and was feeling a little down since I was there alone and felt really out of place...which was definitely a bummer but it did get better on the second and third day. I only met one person who might carry on past the con, but I got to talk to alot more in lines and such which totally made the days awesome. :)

First off, it was AWESOME.  Pictures/film do not do the boys justice and they are both totally cute and amazingly friendly!  Kai especially is a huge sweetie and they're both hella amusing together.  I know once or twice Gareth acted like maybe he'd prefer to be elsewhere but it was V-day weekend and I know his girlfriend was there(she is gorgeous) and he probably wanted to spend time with her.  He was nothing but friendly and entertaining though.  I wasn't disappointed at all, they were just as lovely as I'd imagined.

FIRST DAY *  I got there a little late the first day for the Gareth and Kai Q&A, it was raining super hard on the way over and big roads make me nervous it was a longer drive than I'd expected.  I THINK THIS WAS FATE, HOWEVER, since it turned out a little awesome in the end.  I went and stood up in the back near the door for it and these two older ladies were over to the side/front of me, they kept moving around/talking softly to themselves and I was getting rather annoyed...since it was hard enough to hear the questions from the back.  Kept my peace though, and a little ways in someone else comes over to stand by me and talk to them - she is wearing a hood AND GUESS WHO?  IT WAS NAOKO MORI WHO PLAYS TOSH.  Eee ~ she is so adorable/pretty!  Turns out she was in LA and decided to stop by for part of the panel even though she wasn't scheduled as a guest!  Fucking brilliant.  <3

Thats all I did for that day...I was so tired and barely made the hour drive home to be honest.  So I sadly had to miss Kai at karaoke and some sort of skit I heard about later.  I wouldn't have made it home if I'd stayed later I don't feel too bad.  Next time I'll just need a friend to help keep me awake!  ::eyes Pied::  Girl, you better be coming next year if they have awesome guests like this again!

DAY TWO *  I got there early at around 11 for what was supposed to be the photo studio with Gareth and Kai...only to find they had rescheduled it for tomorrow(damnit, was gonna sleep in that morning!  Meaning I didn't stay for the Kiss Kiss Bang Bang panel late that would have kept me up later than midnight +drive home bleh.)  However I wandered about and hit the dealers room for a bit before finally going to the interview with Gareth.

Two more photos here and here which didn't come out as clear as I would have liked.

After that I hit my third autograph session.  The first day I got Gareth to sign my program on his page and earlier the second day I'd paid to have Kai sign his own page in the program as well.(Kai wasn't sponsored by the con he charged, but everyone else was free!)  Each of them had one autograph session each of the days...I totally hit each one, haha.  Sadly the second day for some silly reason they scheduled the live commentary for "Something Borrowed" with Kai at the same time as Gareth's I missed it.  :(    But I did get Gareth to sign two of the Torchwood magazines for me, once on the 'Cyberwoman' article and the other on a one page poster of Ianto and Jack - so yay!

DAY THREE *  Day three I turned up in the morning again so I could go to the photo studio and have my photo taken with Gareth and Kai.  Now, to clear something up, the day before getting Gareth's autograph he'd asked me "Are you ok?"  Which totally set me off blushing IDKW.  For the record, I am pale, extremely pale.  Meaning that when I blush...I fucking light up like a Christmas tree - which means I spent the next 3+ hours obsessing over wtf Gareth thought I didn't look alright, and why the fuck did I have to blush like that?  So far I'd managed to not say anything too idiotic in their presence.  SO, for the photo session my main obsessive focus was to NOT BLUSH, like, it was my inner mantra the entire time(I remember little else, but did manage to stay a relatively normal color).  Anyhow, when I walk up for the photo they both ask "Are you ok?"  I despaired a little, but smiled like an idiot(probably a slightly worried one) and asked why they thought I wasn' Gareth had asked yesterday and I was worried!  Turns out thats a normal way to ask "How are you?", like a greeting.  Jeezus, was I thankful, hahah.  Still felt more than slightly like an idiot...but I was still so relieved.  Gawd, lol.

Anyhow, after that I wandered about with an awesome gal I met in line before heading off for the final autograph session to get two postcard things signed for myself and Pied.(Yes, I told him you were a huge fan, AND that you didn't write embarrassing fiction about him.  :P )  Anyhow, that was awesome and afterwards I went to camp out in the main room where the last Q&A for Gareth and Kai was scheduled later that day...I was determined to get a better seat!  Two freakin' panels there before hand and I still only managed to get in the middle section in about the 6th row...I fail at ninja seating.  I also had an incredibaly aggravating head right smack in the way of my view of Gareth the entire fucking time, which caused quite a bit of teeth clenching.(Also, why on earth did they set up the chairs directly behind one another vs. slightly off center?  That was just silly.)  So I was pretty sad about my view...but, eh.

Lol last picture, no, they were not doing anything naughty...sadly.(Although there was thigh touching and some other lesser things for fun during the panels)  This is as they were leaving just before everyone really stood up and blocked my way, Kai was waving and Gareth was setting down his beer...haha.  Also, one more picture here which again wasn't clear enough for my liking.

I headed home after that!  Again, it was alot of fun in the end and they make wonderful it was totally worth going!  I wish I'd made some more Who friends near my area...but ah well.  As for anything of note they said during interviews...uhhh, I am horrible, so I'm sure someone else in fandom will have juicy notes for you all.  Gareth told us as a 'Gallifrey Exclusive' that one testicle is lower than the other...but I think he was just playing.  Its hard to tell, he really does have a dirty sense of humor, it was hilarious.  Also I'm extra excited for S3 of Torchwood now, since Gareth says he looks especially impressive in his new pinstripe suit!  :D

***So, not the best of photos...but if anyone does want to use them thats fine.  It would just be lovely if you'd source me and/or post here letting me know!  I have the original giant ones too...with or without the slight sharpening/color adjustments I did.  I know other people must have gotten amazing photos who had better cameras/seating than I did...I hope they share as well as I totally want to see!  <3


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