WayangParty: LEAKED: Email sent by Josie Lau’s husband, Dr Alan Chin BASHING MOE for “promoting” hom

Apr 30, 2009 15:48

April 30, 2009 by admin
Filed under Daily Musings

From The Informant Network Team:

The below email was written by Josie Lau’s husband, Dr Alan Chin and was forward to quite a number of people in which Dr Chin made a few serious allegations about MOE, namely that MOE has been teaching and promoting homosexuality to JC students.

Without providing any concrete proof to substantiate his claims except for some anecdotal examples, Dr Chin used it as a basis to rally his friends to support the new exco.

As Dr Chin’s email has been circulated around for the past few days and it is not known how many Singaporeans have read it, it is imperative that MOE step forward to clarify matters.

Are there any truth in the allegations contained in Dr Chin’s email?

MOE should conduct a thorough investigation into the matter and give a proper account to the public to stop such allegations from damaging its reputation once and for all.

----Forwarded message----
From: Alan Chin
Date: Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 10:10 PM
Subject: GP in JC1 and pink marraige

Forwarded message

Dear praying parents,

For your immediate attention. Fwding some more info that (prayerfully) can help us see the aggresive and thwarted works of the Evil one thru the well meaning but totally brain-washed old guard of AWARE.

I’m extremely saddened and concerned and I felt compelled to share… just last Monday, my son in ACJC had for his GP lesson the topic on alternative family structure frm MOE. They were given notes for discussion on topic of same- sex marriage and same sex parents with adoption of children to form a family unit, with this new terminology PINK PARENTS.

Students were given a worksheet with questions about what is their idea of a nuclear family unit, what are their views about same -sex parents forming family unit and whether the government in S’pore will legalize gay marriages and whether they are for or against it.

During the lesson, they also watched a documentary of “A look into lifestyles of some same- sex marriage or Pink Parent family.”

Notes given were of 2 particular case study of :

1) Molly ( toddler ) with 2 moms.

2) A gay who wanted to have children decided to cohabit with a lesbian couple and between them they bored 2 girls and of course depicted the persons in these situations as happy and adjusted as any normal family.

It scares me to think of how children will be like growing up in such unconventional and dysfunctional family set up. Can you believe this is being taught in public schools, let alone Methodist ones like ACJC?

My son’s immediate response was that of disgust and I was relieved that my son’s lesson was taught by a Christian teacher and thus would be filtered to a certain extent. In my honest opinion, I simply cannot imagine how a

My questions are:

1) Does our mission school have a choice to reject such materials from MOE? and

2) Though discussions on it can be discussed in a healthy and matured way, is it necessary to put our children in such position that they have to choose for or against something that is so obviously wrong - as long as Penal code 377A is still in place?

3) Will the viewing of such images leave our impressionable children in a state of confusion?

In another JC, my friend’s daughter was given a hundred over pages of notes for GP in which there were pictures of lesbians kissing (this is not even allowed by censor boards in worldly magazines. Thankfully ACJC was more careful with this)

The students have to study the notes and sit for a quiz. Included in the notes were links to helpline and counselling from Aware. As you all may know, AWARE has a new exco, in which nine of the twelve are committed, prayerful Christians. However, the old exco (who have a pro-gay agenda) are planning to overthrow the new exco with a call to a vote of no confidence at the next AGM.

As concerned parents, are we going to sit back and not do anything about this? We have been praying for years for our children’s well being, maybe it’s a call now to go beyond just praying. We have to make our stand clearly and firmly for God and our children are watching us.

Mothers/women over the age of 18, please:

1) Consider joining Aware (sign up http://www.aware.org.sg/?page_id=130) and vote in favour of the exco.

2) Pray for the continual victory and the grace of God over this whole situation

Think and pray seriously about it, trust in God’s sovereignity (casting out all fear) in this situation and obey His direction. It really is a spiritual warfare in this day and age.

We do not act as representatives of any prayer group,church or school. We go as God’s children in Jesus’s Name choosing God’s law over others.

My vote to support Aware in its new cause may be most insignificant in this world but God is counting it as His!

In the same way that we could accept a drug addict but we cannot accept the act of taking drugs, we also could accept a homosexual but we should not allow our children to be taught that choosing homosexuality is acceptable. It’s not a civil right but a personal choice that should not be imposed on our society. Let’s protect all the children in S’pore.

Concerned n Prayerful,

2 Thess 4:7, 5: 23,24


This one email reminds me of every reason I left the church I grew up in.

Intolerance. Ignorance. Bigotry. Self-righteousness. Hypocrisy.

I'm glad I left.
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