tunnels, war, and fast cars

Aug 08, 2006 18:42

Dream #304

In a rather usual dream, I had been in high school or middle school, about 12 years old. Somehow I stumbled upon this maze of tunnels that went under the school. It seemed like there were miles and miles of them. I think I got in behind the pop machine in the middle school commons. The hallways were a turqoise-mint greenish color, with drab flourescent lighting. There were almost like tubes. Some went nowhere, and some had stairways and doors.

I wandered through these tube like tunnels for what seemed like hours. I found a red door at the end of one of them. I knew that I wasn't supposed to be in the tunnels. I came out of a door and was in the middle school. I saw Mrs. Vana, a teacher of mine back then. I asked her if she knew where the principal or vice principal was at. I wanted to warn them that something bad was going on with these tunnels, but I knew that no one would take me seriously since I was just some 12 year old kid. She didn't know.

I disappeared back into the tunnels and came to another red door under BES. The door had a peep hole. I could see an older woman teaching a class of mothers and their young toddler aged children. She must have suspected me, because she came to the door, looked through the peep hole for something. I stood still in the corner of the wall, worried that she might see my bright colored shirt against the green hallway. I could see her eyeball looking around. Although I don't think she saw me, she still suspected that someone was there.

She opened a little hatch in the door to get a better look around. She saw me. I pushed open the door, and yelled something like, "The are molesting your children! Get them out of here! They're hurting your children!" The older teacher was obviously upset and tried to detain me, but I swung my little green purse around and hit her until I could get away and run out of the classroom. I think I ran to the roof.

Dream #305

Times of war and dreams of war. I was sitting in the top floor of a building with several of my classmates from Custer Park. A war was waging outside of the building. Bombs were going off, bullets were spraying and it was a total mess. We were all stuck up there sitting on the floor against the walls trying to remain as still and quiet as possible. I wondered how Ann Frank must have felt while they were hiding out in their apartment during WW2. I was afraid that we would be discovered and I didn't completely trust my classmates to keep our presence contained to that room.

Dream #306

I dreamed about Adam. He took off in this old mustang at top speed backwards down a hill onto a race track. I don't know why, but I thought that he would surely get himself killed, and that he still had horrible judgement.
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