May 25, 2006 22:13
So, life took a new turn recently. Back in November I left AT&T due to their 'three year rule' which basically says you can only be at AT&T as a contractor for three years and if you have not taken a permanent position by then you have to leave the company for three months. My time ran out and I took the first position that came through, a contract with Mastercard through the same company who had me at AT&T.
Mastercard put me on an interesting shift, I worked from 3 pm to 11:30 pm on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. That came to an end last Friday (5/19) when I put in two weeks notice. AT&T had some open positions and had made me an offer on one of them and I had accepted with a tentative start date of June 5th. Mastercard allowed me to work through to the end of my shift, but I was called the next morning and informed not to come back in. Fortunately I was in a good position and when I told AT&T that I was available sooner than expected they were able to move my start date forward a week.
So now I start working back at AT&T on May 30th, just a little over six months since I left. My new schedule will be Monday through Friday days with a six week rotation on the weekend maintenance window. I'm really looking forward to this opportunity as the position sounds like a very interesting new challenge. I'm feeling very fortunate that things were able to work out so well.