the seasons, the sun, duh-da dAH! like a glade of everclears, ever the clear green blade of uncertainty, direction without direction, not mis, but un. a vis a views, the vista de la whole wide inner space. to help without helping, to suggest parrallelistic perspective, without this or that to sway things every which way. to understand the reflection from the mirrors of a million hollow halls, cast away like the caustic bombshells of desensitizzzation and with-drawl. spoken languidly, be it oregano or the south. like the out of tune wine of a new born instrument, breaking in, drunk, at four in the AM. as in eYe, like the norm has gotten used to. like getting used to expect nothing other than that which one creates and inflicts. just. and that's what really gets me, though it shouldn't. like looking at a former self of a formerly formless, formerly selfless, form of self-indulgent masochistic victimism. from, and often to, without. lining up on red, to the limitless clip of a thousand horseless jockies. what startling wallwalking jerks. overwrought with ironic droppings of wise, smart, assless supportation for a figurative pair of chaps, wherein one turns to the other and assks about the weather. about whether happiness as a glow is in the eye, beheld for posterity or not at all. her wet hair dripping, drops, 'cause it could, and thought that it should, before it was too late and it could not any longer, wait. and what a weightless thought it became upon being blown dry, full of hot air, and at dizzying speeds, almost gillespic in it.