News Flash!! I AM A NERD!!

Sep 27, 2008 19:57

First of all: Anyone who lives in Maryland, specifically the Baltimore area, please come to Tigercon! Tigercon is a FREE one day anime convention that will be taking place November 1 in the University Union on the campus of Towson University. Here's the website ( My friends are hosting a cute lolita/cosplay cafe there. I'll be there seating people and passing out the Alice In Wonderland themed dish. It'll be awesome.

ALSO ALSO OMG SAW SEUSSICAL TODAY! Most of it, anyway. Missed the first few songs because we couldn't find my friend Mel's house and were 20 minutes late. Oh well! It was AWESOME! They took out the sub-plot of Jojo being put in the military, and thus got rid of a few songs. But I can understand that, there were a lot of kids there, and the story would be a bit traumatic, I guess, for them because at one point Jojo appears to have been blown up. Anyway, we got in just about at the end of 'How To Raise A Child'. And the actors were using not just the stage but the aisles in the seats too. One of the Wickershams was sitting on the steps next to Mel for a few minutes before 'Monkey Around' began. That was our favorite song. It had the best choreography, with Horton chasing the Wickershams and the clover literally all through the auditorium.

Changes from the Original Broadway Soundtrack Version
1. 'The Military', 'How Lucky You Are', and 'Havin' A Hunch' were cut.
2. 'How To Raise A Child' was switched to come before 'It's Possible'.
3. 'Amazing Mayzie' was changed a bit to say "Get those pills and you can have frills and Horton is sure to see. And you can be amazing, well...almost as amazing as me!"
4. 'Amazing Gertrude' had Dr. Dake's fake German part changed to "'Tut tut!', said the Doctor. 'Such talk! It's too absurd! Your little tail is just right for your kind of bird!'"
5. At the end of 'Here On Who', when the Mayor of Who and his wife are talking to Jojo about his Thinking in school they say:
"But we've just had a talk with your teachers today
and they didn't have one single good thing to say!

You invented new Thinks which defy all description!

You gave Miss O'Dooley a nervous conniption!

Your Thinks were so wild they disrupted your classes
and made Mrs. Mackel-Who drop her new glasses.
Which is why you're suspended! Yes, that's what they said!
Young man, what in Who has got into your head?!

Now Horton has found us. We're safe on a clover.
But clearly our troubles are far, far from over.

We don't mean to scold you, we love you, oh, yes, dear.
But couldn't you try thinking just a bit less, dear?

Stop telling such outlandish tales.

Stop turning minnows into whales.

Now take your bath and go to bed.
And think some normal thinks instead."

6. In 'Chasing The Whos' the song cuts directly from where the Wickersham Brothers pass off the clover to Vlad Vladikoff to Horton saying "That bird let the clover fall somewhere inside of a great patch of clovers 100 miles wide! I'll find it, I'll find it, I'll find it or bust. I'll find all my friends on their small speck of dust! And clover by clover by clover with care...I'll listen and I'll call...'Are you there?'" Then 'Notice Me Horton' begins.

7. In 'Horton Sits On The Egg' they added the following between "He sat all that night through a terrible storm" and "I can't leave this nest. No, I meant what I said.":
I'm cold and I'm wet
And I'm catching the flu.
Oh, Mayzie, please hurry!
I've got to save Who!
Oh, Mayzie, please hurry!
I've got to save Who!

Horton, I brought you a scarf.

Thank you, Gertrude. Have you heard from Mayzie?

She sent a card from Palm Beach.

Palm Beach! Gertrude, what if she never comes back?

Don't worry, she will. Um, Horton, notice anything different?

Yes, it's g-g-g-getting colder.

And then came the winter..
The snow and the sleet
And icicles hung
From his trunk and his feet

8. They combined 'Egg, Nest, and Tree' and what would have been the Act One Finale, 'Horton Sits On The Egg'. They didn't have an intermission. Thusly they removed the part of 'How Lucky You Are' from the end of 'Horton Sits On The Egg'.

9. The following was added to the beginning of 'Mayzie In Palm Beach':
When you're down in Palm Beach
With the breeze in your hair
And you don't have an egg
Or a nest or a care,
Tell yourself how lucky you are.

How lucky, how lucky you are.

When it's day after day
After beautiful day
To be lazing away
By the sea with Jose,
Tell yourself how lucky you are.

How lucky you are!

Still, I'm bored and I'm cranky and tired
Sitting day after day.
Who knew so much work was required
For nothing but play.
I need something diff'rent!
I crave something new!
(She grabs the CAT)
Hey, maybe could you think of something diff'rent to do?!

10. All parts from 'Solla Sollew' that had to do with Jojo in the military were cut, making it awful short and a bit less of a tear-jerker than it is originally.

All-in-all it was really good, but I still think it was missing something by taking out the military sub-plot.


I forgot how awesome Shaman King was. Then I randomly decided to watch the first two DVDs (the only two I have, which means the first 6 episodes). I really want to get into the DVDs with Faust in them. I need me some Faust VIII. I was also reading his Wikipedia article and the last few chapters of the manga online. It's so sad! Especially chapter 281. AUGH AND IT JUST ENDS ON A CLIFFHANGER! CURSE YOU HIROYUKI TAKEI!! CURSE YOU!!!


In my psychology class we have to do a 10-page paper before the end of the semester.

I was just hit with the most awesome idea for a topic ever.

I will do my paper on all the different disorders suffered by the Thorney Towers crew from Psychonauts. :iconimhappyplz: Yes, I am a nerd. I am also including Oleander in this list because I can.

However, I just can't quite figure some of their disorders. I think I've got most of them down, but if anyone can think of anything for the ones I'm not sure of or even the ones I am pretty sure of already then please share so I can include as many examples as possible.
1. Boyd Cooper: Paranoid-type Schizophrenia
2. Gloria VonGouten: Severe Bipolar Disorder
3. Fred Bonaparte: Dissociative Identity Disorder
4. Edgar Teglee: Some form of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (?)
5. Crispin Whytehead: Sadistic Personality Disorder (?)
6. Caligosto Loboto: Delusional Disorder (?)
7: Morceau Oleander: Narcissistic Personality Disorder (maybe?)

So yeah, any help on this would be helpful at the least.

Also: XDDD A link to Wikipedia's article on 'Religion' is listed under the 'See Also' list on the page about 'Delusions' XDDD

cosplay, psychonauts, tigercon, psychology, lolita

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