Man, weird dream last night, plus a mini one at the end because the wind woke me up.
First dream, I was with my friends Gretchen and Mel. We were making our way into this game thing that we had to win for some reason or another. The only way to get into the levels was to flush ourselves in, like the people in the most recent Harry potter movie were to get into the Ministry. We got to the correct bathroom, but there was a guardian or something. It attacked us the moment we entered the bathroom, but we distracted it (mostly by shoving it to the ground, since it apparently took a while to right itself again) and we all flushed ourselves into the game.
Wow, that was a weird sentence.
Anyway, we had to get to specific points in each level to advance to the next. At the beginning of each level we would have information about the level broadcast into our mind, like what the objective is and where the exit was once we were finished. The first level's objective was to find the exit. The first level was only this huge, out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere grassy area with a single ramshackle old building that had been a house but was converted to a gardening store. Gretchen and Mel checked around outside while I went inside. There were two old ladies inside, who owned and ran the store. They gave me the creeps. They were way too happy and cheery and seemed to know too much about everything. But I was polite and asked about some plant seeds that I'd been trying to get for ages. I asked about Venus flytraps, which they did have seeds for, and Honeydew plants, which they didn't. I also asked about Mexican Bird Of Paradise, which I've actually been trying to get for years, and they had that too. They gave me the flytrap and bird of paradise seeds for free, along with, like, 5 big cookies. They also had a giant cookie, but they said if they gave that to me I'd have to pay. I mentioned that the small cookies would do me fine and thanked them and left.
Outside I ate my cookie until Gretchen and Mel came back, telling me they'd found the exit.
The next level, which is the only other level I can remember, we entered into a sporting equipment store. The level objective was to obtain whatever we needed in 20 minutes and leave the level. The exit was the emergency exit in the back of the store. If we took longer than 20 minutes, an evil demon or dragon or something trapped in the level would wake-up and notice us, and that wouldn't be good. The first bit of business we went about was to find weapons. I think Gretchen was going for a crossbow, and I found a metal lacrosse stick that, inexplicably, had an axe on the opposite end from the catch-y bit. I didn't get to see what Mel picked, I only heard that she was going to go get backpacks and that me and Gretchen should find food. The food section was back towards the exit door, and while we were there I began to hear the dragon/demon thing waking up because we only had 10 or so minutes left. I told Gretchen to run and get Mel so we could hurry this along.
Then the dream ended.
My mini dream came after this because the wind is crazy bad here, so I kept getting woken up by the noise.
I was going up some stairs at what my mind told me was my college. A friend of mine, Shea, was going up them with me. Shea mentioned something about having to climb over to get to the door for the top floor. When we got to the top we found out that the stairs stopped against a wall and that there were metal poles (like the kind used as banisters in handicapped bathroom stalls), around the door. The ones on the top and bottom extended past the door, over to the edge of the stairs. Apparently we were supposed to use them to climb over to the door, then hang on to one of the side ones and open it. The space below the door was a free fall straight back down to the first floor, and it looked like it was a fall into a black abyss. I went back down and tried to take the elevator, but it just took me back up to the door, only this time on the right side. Being terrified of heights, I absolutely refused to even try to get to the door.
Then I woke up.
Maybe my dreams are trying to test me? Since I'm so scared of heights, and I do dream of weird, unfinished staircases where I have to either jump gaps or climb to the door or something similar, maybe it's trying to test me. Next time I'll try for the door. Who knows what I'll find on the other side.