Apr 18, 2005 09:35
Peach yogurt with granola bits mixed in... mmmmmm... ::dies happy::
Week before finals! YAY! -_-
I just found out that in the one class where I thought I wouldn't have to worry about writing some back-breaking, spirit-crushing paper in just informed me that I have to write a 6-8 page, 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced paper. Oh Joy of my life. So that pretty much means it's gonna be a 3 and 1/2 paged, but Courier will make it 6! Or.. something... Maybe I just got a good nights rest, but I'm surprisingly (dare I say it?) chipper considering all this shit that's piling up on top of me (metaphorically, of course). Now I've got to go get ready for class.
I was going to end this with a picture of a person actually covered in poop, but I couldn't find one so you'll just have to use your IMAGINATION . =)