Dec 09, 2004 20:14
- Woke up at 8:00
- Bummed around for a while being sleepy
- Got in the shower at 8:??
- Got out of the shower at 9:10 ...class at 9:30... crap.
- Got dressed, no makeup, no hair brushing to speak of... ponytail.
- Still got to class late (9:43)
- My modified poster looked all... funky (don't ask)
- Forgot/didn't have time to to eat this morning, so starving in class.
- Got some chips and went to the library to finish the Environmental Science paper
- Left library to get some real food
- Old lady in white sedan yells at me for not pulling out in front of her into opposite direction's oncoming traffic... senile old wench.
- Get back to school
- File a report for my Jeep being broken into and stuff stolen from 2 Tuesdays ago.
- Go back to school
- Try to finish paper. Keep getting distracted by pretty internet.
- C. comes to the computer lab and we get it done.
- Printer doesn't work in computer lab... ::SIGH::
- We go to her dorm and print it off.
- Off to Subway we go
- Back to the library to drop off some books for me
- Finally back home, at 8:15. Oi vey.
- Last day of classes. HORRAY!