Oct 25, 2005 01:10
Things I don't like...
Eclairs. I had a bad experience once with a creme-filled eclair the size of a 6-inch sub involving the back of a pick-up truck, crazy driving, and a lot of vomit.
The Electric Slide. I had a bad experience once at a wedding reception when I was six, involving The Electric Slide, a very large woman in front of me, me going forward, her going backward, the ricochet, and the resulting emotional trauma.
People who hock loogies I had a bad experience once at DHS when I was turning a corner in the hall and a skin-head redneck hocked a loogie about an inch in front of me face. ::shudder::
Things I do like...
Laundry Dryer fuzz I love to clean out the dryer fuzz from the filter and roll it up into a little ball. It's always different depending on what load of laundry you did. Jeans fuzz is all blue and towels is all fuzzy...
Licking all the salt off crackers or pretzels before I eat them 'Nuff said.
Wearing socks Always fun. Especially if they're new and you're sliding around on the hard wood floor or linoleum. Even if they're not new, they're always there to make your toes and feet feel warm and safe. ^^