Jul 05, 2009 14:43
I become quite raciest on Sundays.
I feel a little bad about it, but not really.
See about two years ago a new church moved into the church next to the house next to us.
It used to be a church full of old boring white couples.
But now it's an African church. And I actually do mean African, like, the kids are probably first generation citizens for the most part.
And on Sunday their stupid cars line our block so there's no where to park when my ma comes home from church or I come back from the gym.
And every Sunday at least 2 car alarms go off.
And after noon their kids start screaming and running around outside and the parents yell at them and have loud conversations and stand in the street in their African garb and have conversations when you're trying to drive somewhere.
I hate them.
They also like to have church late at night on Fridays, sometimes Saturday, sometimes even Wednesday.
So once again there is no where to park and late at night you can here them.
When they first moved in they would have late night stuff all the time and you could hear all the music and people yelling and shit late into the night, but once my mom called the cops on them a few times they calmed down a bit.
Still, they make me feel like a terrible person cause I hate them so much, but seriously, they need to be aware that they have a church in the middle of a quite little neighborhood, not in the middle of the city.