Jan 01, 2009 13:24
So it's been a while since my last entry. I mean like...a long while lol...
Been hanging around with my bo Kevin on the weekends and on the week days I go to work then come home to my new roomy! That's right I just moved into a new place and I've got two rooms to meself and my very own bathroom! My new roommate is Diana and she's my good friend Steph's aunt. She's super cool and I've already got her hooked on Buffy! Yup, and it only took one episode! Kevin and I stayed in this New Years Eve and watched some movies and ate junk and McDonald's (Which makes me glad I've started playing volleyball and that I got a gym membership for Christmas!) Today Kevin and I are going to BP's for grub and then we'll watch some more movies and maybe play some computer games. I wish I could say that I would be playing some X Box 360 but unfortunately it broke last weekend when I was playing it. I know most of you out there have Friday off but I have to go into work. And not only that, I have to start a half hour earlier!!! But that's ok because they're giving us so many more vacation days to have! My play has been chosen to be performed in the Walterdale Theatre's Festival of Lights! So look for a play called "Mr. Twiddles" and go and watch it because it's fucking hillarious! Trust me. I wrote it lol...It's a black comedy about English people around the time of the Boxer Rebellion. It doesn't have anything to do with the rebellion. I just like that time period lol... So that's all I can tell you without spoiling it. I've already ruined the surprise ending for a few people but I'm sure they'll still enjoy the play. I can't wait to start working on it. I've gone to the doctor finally about my waking up tired. I've been waking up tired for about the past three years roughly. Probably more than that but anyway I've been trying some nasal flowage stuffs and I hope it's working ..hard to tell at this early stage. Also I'm doing a sleep test and some blood work etc. Wish me luck, I hope we can find out why I'm not sleeping well. Because it's official...I'm not depressed. Thank god they didn't say I was depressed because I think I might've kicked him in the balls. Welp. Wish me a good weekend and I'll wish you one. If you don't wish me one, than you can go suck balls lol...
Later days.
tommorrow you might be dead