May 11, 2006 12:41
Do you feel depressed? Do you want to laugh your head off? Go to, clic on search, type rosesareblue, and begin with "Kunoichi"!
Rosesareblue-san is my favorite fanfic writer right now, and she writes Naruto fics, but even if you don't know the manga nor the anime, you can still enjoy them, because they're a real pleasure to read. Rosesareblue-san's got no problem whatsoever with narration, plot, dialogues, set up, and her writting isn't clumsy, 'cause she's well above that. Her characters (well, borrowed from Kishimoto-san) are so lively, funny and lovely, you can feel she loves them and you're brought to love them too ^^
Her stories are witty and really histercally funny. I remember when I read TUUS, I was laughing like 3/4 of the time (well, not during the sad bits, obviously, 'cause they're really moving). And I was really laughing, I mean laughing out loud^^
Now, there's little I don't like about her stories :
- the way Naruto is so girlish (except in Give You Back)
Well, in TUUS he's got this pheromon problem, in Kunoichi, he *is* a girl, and he isn't girlish at all in Give You Back, so...X3
And you know, I like that she describes him as so damn beautiful, 'cause Naruto is, but it's a bit spoiled for me, 'cause he's also described in a very girlish way (extra long eyelashes, long and slender legs with a smooth skin...gah! XD)
In the manga, Naruto is beautiful, but he's rough and raw in a way, not girlish. Though I agree he's a bit girlish in the anime ...
- how one of the two often suffers physically in the smutty scenes ... °~°;;
And now about each story :
- Kunoichi : You must read it. XD No seriously, the first chapter is a real wonder! 2 chapters, in progress, in Konoha, Naruto is a girl, and ... you'll find out more by reading it XD
Naruto's a girl (yeah, I can quite go over that XD), so if you don't like yaoi, it's alright ('cause there's yaoi in the others fics). And if you don't like Naruto being a girl (like me) ... well, I still find the first chapter outrageously great.
I didn't like the second chapter, for several personal reasons, it doesn't mean that I think it's badly done (it is not!). I think things are a bit rushed up, but it depends on the pairing you prefer and want to see happen, and I don't like the way things happen and how it's turning up. There's het smut, which I'm not a fan of, especially when it's all about the girl body and what the guy is doing to it.
I prefer when it's a two sided scene. There, in Kunoichi, when you get to know all the way through Naruto being undressed (*she* brrr XD) and ending naked, you don't even know about the guy (I felt bereft! XD). And there's all that bit about Naruto suffering physical pain during it X|
I'm sorry if I sound that tough about it, I really love rosesareblue-san work, these are just small details compared to how much I enjoy reading her. I printed both chapters of Kunoichi, read the first around 5 times, and each time thoroughly enjoyed it! (I tend to be histerically joyful when I'm reading rosesareblue XD) So stop wasting youre time here, and go read it! XD
- The Ultimate Uke Syndrom: Alternative Universe (but Naruto is a boy, yes! XD)
OK, the AU is basketball there, so it ain't really appealling (not for me anyway), and I know the tittle is frightening XD, but I printed it too, and I've read it again (till chapter 26), and I've again thoroughly enjoyed it! I think it's a bit slow to get very interesting, but the plot is very well put up, and things are intricated (but clear, no headache!), so you really want to know how it'd go.
And it's both hilarious and moving, which you don't get everywhere.
Give You Back : around 15 years after the big fight between Sasuke and Naruto, placed in Konoha
...well, it's a bit hard for me to talk about it, 'cause I read it again the week-end of Mai the first, after having printed it too, and I was actually shaking with sobbs while reading it, so...
you know, it's one of my favorite Naruto fics, maybe the one I like best, and I think that when you're reading it for the first time, you see the whole thing, with the funny and happy parts, but when you read it for the second time ... it's just too heartbreaking, reallly really. Even the nice parts of their past are sad, but it's on purpose, both for contrast with the present (it's sad because it was so great between them and now it's not anymore) but also their happiness had always been tainted somehow *is going to cry again*
Public Bathing : a one-shot SasuNaru in Konoha
hi - la - rious. Really funny and witty
Just one quote for the sake of it : « Yes, schizophrenia was a blessed thing and, yes, insanity was largely under-rated. »
OK, if you're still here wasting your time reading my silly LJ, you got no excuse to not give it a try, so go on to now! XD