Sep 11, 2010 22:47
I believe in honesty. If everyone were honest in every interaction, I think the world would be a better place. Sure, there are times when you have to fake it--hello, working retail or serving--but in situations where it matters, honesty is my first priority. Being honest with myself is a problem sometimes, though.
I believe in ghosts. Not chains-clanking, white sheet, life-after-death spirits. I think there's no way to disprove the idea that there are other universes, other dimensions...and who's to say we can't get glimpses of them from time to time? I've never seen a ghost, but I'm pretty good at listening to my body, and I have had strange sensations in certain locations (rhyme). Temperatures feel off, pictures don't turn out right, and I remember the first time I truly felt the sensation of my skin crawling. Yes, I think we feel and see things we can't explain, and I choose to believe that's what people refer to as "ghosts."
I'm watching a B-horror flick called Who Can Kill a Child?. It was released in 1976, and its music is thoroughly Jaws-influenced...and my belief in Stephen King's originality is shaken (luckily it wasn't too strong to begin with, as much as I love that guy). Who Can Kill a Child? is Children of the Corn, only mixed with a bit of xenophobia, Hostel and Turistas style. Communication is key, and language barriers are fodder for great horror. This one isn't great horror, but it's certainly making my Saturday night just a little more screwy.