Mar 01, 2006 19:54
I'm employed again, much to my enjoyment, and apparently especially to the enjoyment of BPG. Good to know they really liked me :-) It's slowly hitting me how big my job with CCW is. I have three departments under me, and three department heads. They each have crews. I have big ideas and bosses who are telling me to run with them, lol! I'm looking forward to working with the amazing DJ Fanboy in his professional capacity as the voice of our commercials (the scripts should be completed tomorrow). The entrance set is going thru several revisions (esp. since I'm now informed we have a projector, I want a big screen!), and we start constructing it next week. Gods I've missed this.
I should also have a meeting with my dept. heads next week. Jesus and his crew who worked with IRON are pretty much locked in for our video dept. Gill as accepted the job stage managing (he gets to put up the pretty entrance I'm designing, poor bastard). Finally, my head of tech. I needed someone who can work miracles. Someone who I could let run with the job, and just say "Light this". Someone who knows the demands of wrestling, and could actually make it possible to pull off a show in three weeks. So I hired the only person who could do it, though I know some of you will be surprised. If anyone has a problem with it, just know I stand by my decision and it is going beautifully. Last night I welcomed Dan on board. I have a damn good set of Dept. heads, and now I need to get them crews :-)
It's a lot, but damn it's gonna be fun.
Eddie Corvin Lives!