Spam of Rant

May 03, 2010 09:00

So, I feel the need to rant about people annoying me currently in my life.

First person on my mind: Annoying boy from Latin; fourth period. His name is Brice. Isn't that just a totally annoying name? He thinks he's the shit, when in reality he's this short little freak who wishes he was hot and makes fun of other people to compensate for that. He always has to comment on what ever I say and make me look stupid. Well this past Friday I just was NOT in the mood to put up with his shit. I was tired, overworked, and I had a headache like fff. We have been taking the Latin noun endings quiz over and over again until everyone in the class gets them all right. Friday was like the ump-teenth time and my headache was so bad i just blanked out and couldn't finish the charts. I know my Latin noun endings, I got them right every other time, but i mentioned to the group that I couldn't remember like five of them and he immediatly jumped on me complaining that we would have to take the quiz again all because of me...

Instead of screaming like a wild man, juming over the desks and strangling him, I decided to be a smart ass.

Me: "Um, pretty sure you've failed each one"
Brice: " Um, pretty sure I haven't" *puts head down because he knows he did*

The rest of the day I blew up at all of his shitty ass comments.

Me: *talking to my friend Tia next to me, that has nothing to do with him,*
Brice: lol who cares?
Me: Um, I care. so you can stop adding in your two cents because that's what no one cares about.
Brice: *Not knowing how to respond to someone shutting him up rolls his eyes and pretends to pay attention to the teacher.*

Guess what? He got the Noun endings wrong. Again. BIG SURPRISE. and the only reason for that is because he cheats off of everyone at the table. When it comes test time and he has to fill them out by himself while the desks are separated Mrs. Reynolds is going to be able to tell. Plus there's no way he actually studied, he's one of those low life who don't pay attention, don't do their work, cheat, and just barely pass the class. I don't even know how he is doing that because I'm actually trying and I have a B-


Secondly, It kind of really annoys me that Victoria's stepdad is always so quiet. He just watches you when you walk through the house, quietly, never saying a word unless you speak to him, and he is always doing some form of cleaning, usualy vacuming or washing the dishes. So its really awkward to bring down my dirty dishes with him there cause you can just tell he's annoyed that you are bringing MORE dirty dishes and he doesnt say anything which makes it soooo awkward, I think I would rather him yell at me. and its not just because I'm not in the family, either, Victoria keeps way more dirty dishes than I do and she brings them down in piles like twice a week and he doesn't say hardly anything. If he ever does say anything its "Make sure you just rinse those off and put them in the dish washer then." So he doesnt even essentially WASH them, he just places them in the dish washer all OCD like, and that's fine, I'm fine with rinsing them off, but the problem is, he rinses off the dishes so there's no spot left on them, so I never know if the dishes inside are clean or dirty, so I always have to ask and I feel so awkward.

Why can't people be more reasonable? It's times like these that I can't wait for graduation so I don't have to deal with people/things like that....I miss my Mom though, and I wont be seeing her untu June 4th. Its not enough to just call her once a week or see her on facebook and chat for less than 10 minutes, I need a good, long hug from her...She wont even be here to congratulate me on turning 18... The world is such a funny place....


stfu, homesick, annoying people, awkward turtle babies, what the fuck, fff

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