Oct 13, 2010 13:07
I'm reading Isaac Asimov's Foundation trilogy. It's really awesome! I'm one of those people that don't read classics because they're classics and therefore must be boring. But I'm really loving this. I don't generally read anything that spans generations either, but this gets to the point: turning point in history, this is how it's dealt with. Fascinating how societies grow and change. I appreciate the growth and stagnation of empires too, and here you've got both.
Also read The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I had no idea he was the one who wrote that. That was a lot better than I thought it'd be also. It's amusing with both books some of the markers of the time. In The Lost World anyone who's not white has about 5 sentances of character in the whole book and is totally sterotypical. In the Foundation trilogy everything is atomic. I love how you can track where we are in current science by what science we put in our sci-fi futures.
I am so missing reading fanfiction!!!