Wow....just wow... found a link to my old Cami Black LJ, and I got to thinking about what it was that made me leave that one behind for this one, and oddly I can't remember, I mean this was about 2 years ago and a lot has changed since then, but not much, I still have the whole body issues thing, though I rarely talk about it to anyone anymore, and I still hate the fandom around here, but I got to thinking, why should I stay on this name, when I could just go back to that one, I mean I'm still the same old bitter, bitey, black wearing bitch I was, so I'm gonna put it up to you guyses, go back to being who I am (bitter trans kittygrrl) or staying with this whole bitter hidden-trans cheshirebunnyboy, the decision is up to youse.
and BTW
Edit: Cancel the asking bit, if ya guys wanna view my journal, I'll be back over there at
Cami_Black see you soon. Oh and I decided on a compromise, it's a cheshire bunny grrl. *thinks using her noggin*