Feb 15, 2008 06:56
As the subject says, and for those who don't know &c. is an old way of doing etc. usually used in older plays for incidental cast. And I know some people will probably be offended by at least two or three of these, if so my real email is idontcare@aboutoffendingyou.com
Dear Attorney General,
Please for the love of (God, Allah, Buddha, Thor, The Flying spaghetti monster, &c.), do your job, send out special prosecutors for all those who might be breaking Constitutional law....oh wait you have no clue what that is, my mistake, sorry. In that case please resign post haste
Thank you,
A Frustrated American.
Dear Congress, House, Federal Judges, &c.
Please stop focusing on sports scandals. You mean to tell me that investigating steroid use, allegations of cheating, and possible other scandals is more important than say, I don't know, forcing our elected officials to conform to not only the laws that were drawn up, but the constitution as well. Well I guess I'm wrong, sorry to take up your time.
Regretfully yours,
A Frustrated American
Dear News Media,
Though you sometimes hit the nail on the head, I am tired of hearing your talking heads, please execute them post haste. Also if it is entirely possible please do some actual journalism, you know where you TRY to remove as much of your bias as possible.
A Frustrated Person Who Enjoys Journalism
Dear Furries,
Ok I know I'm probably beating a dead horse here, but please, for the love of all that is holy and unholy, give the whole fursecution thing a rest. Also please stop making words with the word fur superimposed on them.
A Frustrated Furry who likes to no be called a freak
Dear Homeless Who CAN Raise themselves,
Please do something with yourself, get help, try to actually find a job if you can, or go to DSHS and try to get on there, there are plenty of place in most cities where you can get help with this.
A Frustrated Former Street kid
Dear Stupid People,
Stop breeding. And on that thought, if you feel the need to have crotch droppings, at least try to do your best to raise your kids. Also, do not buy them Heelies, roller shoes, or any thing like that.
Hatefully yours,
A Frustrated Person Who Were He Ruler Would Have You Eliminated From the Gene Pool.
Dear "Mental Disability" Cases,
By this I mean people who seem to have all sorts of mental disorders but are in fact a bunch of lazy asses who know how to fake it. Stop doing this, get a job, and do something with your life, and save disability for those who really need it.
Sending the Pictures of you in a mall perfectly all right to your case worker,
Some Frustrated Person You'll Call An Asshole.
Dear Suckas,
Stop Getting Pwned. When someone is obviously better than you, try harder, and don't go OMG HAXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!11111oneone1 it makes you look like a moron.
That guy who stickied you fifteen times.
Dear People who don't see some of this as comedy,
You aren't a paladin, no need to have that stick up THERE.
Jokingly yours,
SOmeone with a sense of humor.