
Mar 19, 2009 15:46

I am re posting this as public.

I was reading the essay the end of genderqueer by Rocko bulldagger.

I was, I had to put it does, I had to write because it struck me, with why I hate the term political genderqueer when used by others to describe my experience and to speak over me.

Zie describes genderqueer as a political statement, as a performance to challenge cultural norms of gender. I have no problem with gender performance as political however Zie leaves no room for those who’s I.D is a reaction to need, rather than political stance

No no no.

I am not sold of the word genderqueer, pan-gendered intergendered other/neither would work just as well for me, but it is a term that many people are aware of so I go with it.

There was a gut reaction to those words, political genderqueer,

That kick in the stomach when you go, no you just don’t get this do you. I stand with many trans people when I say, no, I am not your theoretical argument, I am not your fucking solution to the gender binary, I am trying to get on with my life, fighting, clawing desperately for something that fits, some version, so space where I don’t get that sick to my gut feeling of wrongness, where my body, my place feels something like authentic, something approaching true.

Political: choice: planned: deliberate

The ethical vegan and the person with lactose intolerance might both not eat dairy, but that is all I have in common with those whose gender presentation for subverting the gender binary, when I am just trying not to throw up.

My gender is political, there is no way it can’t be, every morning I challenge people idea of what “women” do, by dressing like I do, by being called he sometimes, Zie at others. By studying computer science, by desiring women, by desiring brutal sex, by desiring sex with many partners, some I might not know, very of few of whom I see the great future with. It is a political statement because there is no other way to be in this world, it is about surviving, hell maybe even thriving. But it isn’t to change anyone mind.

gender, trans, queer

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