Dec 04, 2016 09:16
I have this one friend, just one, that I always have active on Messenger. We aren't always awake or available at the same time, but we always know we'll talk more about anything and everything. So with this one person, conversations don't start with "Hi, how are you?" or anything like that - the subject is jumped right into.
What does that look like? Well, have a sampling of recent conversation starters between us:
Me, with a link to a picture of a long dark green cotton dress meant for cosplay or re-enactors: But really I wish I could live in things like this all the time?
Her: Oh my God, I just saw the news about the shooting at Rocks [local to me LGBTQ bar]. I'm guessing you weren't there, but if you were fifteen years younger...? Oh my God.
Me: So, in [fic she was beta-reading for me] I really think I have to cut that scene between [characters], because [black character] sounds too much like the stereotypical Magically Wise Black Sidekick? I'm kind of mad at myself that I even wrote that.
Her, linking to picture of the Naked Warwick Rowers: I am a bad, bad woman. There was a photograph at the following link where I just shrieked "WEENIE ROAST!"
Her: That feeling when you realize you are a walking wallet to a "friend" and her family. *mumbles about MLMs and Pink Truth*
Me: So I really want to get on a plane to [location] and kick [friend's] husband in the nuts? Repeatedly? I won't, but I want to?
Her: Conversation elsewhere makes me think, "Ooh, I know who needs some blue and orange garb with tigers on it!"
Me: LOL. Husband has found obnoxious video of soccer fans chanting "WEEEE'RE FUCKING SHIT! WEEEE'RE FUCKING SHIT!" and my youngest is now running around yelling, literally, "WE'RE BLEEPING BLEEP!"
Her: If I see ONE MORE ARTICLE about standing up against tyranny, I may curse. You broke it, you bought it.
Me: Hey, my complaint [about a "do not use" sign on the accessible machine at my polling place] went semi-viral on Twitter! And might actually get fixed!
Her: Ye gods, I've just had a reminder why I don't date younger men. This one that I met up with needs mothering, not girlfriend-ing.
I love having a friend like this. :)
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