wow the last time i posted was forever ago
@3@... it's that time again... LAVAPUNCH2
ZOOOMMMM and the stuff
trying to color like soybean TAT...
the kitty character... i rather like his wide flat face.
some sketches of the kid
color tests of said sketches
paintchat doodle
@3@ my favorite character so far is the cat. He's supposed to act like a proper english gentleman, drinking tea and eating tea cakes and all that jazz [i swear i'll actually study a bit on what english people actually do so i don't end up pulling a mary poppins XD]
and then there's the boy, who i think i like a bit younger ... haven't really decided yet...
still have yet to scan more characters.
annnndddd if you haven't picked up LP1 please do so!!!
XD we need money to print LP2 hahahhahahha/ is shot