Happy Beltane!
Time to re-jig my filters. Please advise if you would like to read and respond to any/all of these:
- Pagan (spirituality filter, ritualistic, sometimes intense, serious engagement most appreciated, not really for casual reading)
- bi-poly tribe (my unhyphenated sexuality and loving of many peoples, and the Drama Llamas that roam here)
- health (upcoming knee surgery and recovery from the last one)
- 'local' Oxford stuff (local to anyone who would want to travel here)
- love and rockets (relationships in general)
- sex and kink (continuations of recent and cool convos)
- ranting and angst (not recommended reading but maybe it will make you feel better about your own life?)
- locked in the past (old intense postings, now locked to everyone, but worth reading if I open them up again)
(What am I forgetting?)
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