6 month stats...

Aug 20, 2009 13:53

I just realized that I forgot to post Holland girl's 6 month stats. She turned 6 months on 8/12/2009. I know I will want these on record some day...

Weight - 14lbs 6oz - 20th Percentile
Height - 26" - 70th Percentile
Head - 16 3/4" - 45th Percentile

She has stayed about the same percentages since birth, tall and skinny - just like "Rafi" :)

Some things about Holland at 6 months -

1. She can get into a sitting position on her own, and loves to sit in the front room playing with her toys.

2. She loves seeing herself in the mirror.

3. She LOVES food. Especially Mangoes (real, not jar), pickles, soft serve, cheerios and orange rolls (according to Megan).

4. She is the happiest baby in the world right when she wakes up and greets us with a smile every time.

5. She loves to sleep. Takes 2-3 naps a day, and sleeps at least 12 hours at night.

6. She leaves her hairbows on her head - thank goodness for this one. I think she will love being a girl.

7. She loves to talk and babble all day.

8. She seems to prefer men to women. Her two favorites besides Daddy are Uncle Spencer and Uncle Jimmy.

9. She loves sitting and playing in the grass and would do this all day if we let her.

10. Her favorite movies are "Tinkerbell" and "Toy Story 2" and she laughs and smiles when either "Clank & Bauble" or "Buzz" come on screen.

11. She is still quite the snuggler and I LOVE it.

12. She is so close to crawling...I am sure it will make the list for her 7th month!

We love our Holland girl more than words can explain, and are so ecstatic she chose to be a part of our family. We would not trade being her parents for the world.

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