Apr 26, 2005 07:35
I want to cry. I missed my registration dates because I didn't realize they were coming up so fast and didn't get advised on time. But I didn't think it would be a big deal. Well now the only humanities classes open are Wren and Johnson's, who are respectively, the devil, and the devil's assistant. I already withdrew from the 2nd humanities bcs. I coulnd't do it, I don't want to take it with him again. But I HAVE to take a humanities class in the fall if I want to graduate in May '06, which I do. I'm taking spanish I in summer I, and spanish II in summer II, but I'm thinking I should instead take the 3rd humanities (which I heard is easier than the 2nd) in summer II, because even though everyone says not to because it's so much reading, I think it might be better for me because it'll be my only class, so I can just focus on that. And then for the fall semester I won't suck and procrastinate, and register on time, and take the 2nd humanities with another professor. I don't know.