1- Type in "[your name] needs" in Google search:
Cheryl needs to write some functions to figure out how that happened.
2- Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search:
Cheryl looks like an amateur model with a nicely untouched bush.
3- Type in "[your name] says" in Google search:
"This is a moneymaker," Cheryl says, noting few companies seem to recognize how lucrative the "encore" wedding market can be.
4- Type in "[your name] has" in Google search:
Cheryl has had about 900 channels suspended on YouTube and that's no exaggeration--they're listed on this channel's main page.
(What is this about?
5- Type in "[your name] wants" in google search
Cheryl wants to become self employed. She has finally learned that she isn't people material.
6- Type in "[your name] gives" in Google search:
Cheryl gives each of us a bone. Tyler ignores bone. Sparky gets bone. Sparky keeps both bones.
7- Type in "[your name] takes" in Google search:
Cheryl takes up street dancing to audition for Will.I.Am's new video.
8- Type in "[your name] loves" in Google search: