Nov 22, 2010 07:16
As many people know I am a member of a email support group called eLIMBO. This group is for parents who have lost one or more children in a multiple birth. This group has helped me greatly since the loss of B. When no one in my family understood what I was going through, these women did and were my support.
Well I just need to vent somewhere, and here is the best place since I would never dare post this to the group (though I wish I could). Today a new member joined, however both their twins are still alive. WTF?
The person writes that his wife is 30 weeks in her 2nd pregnancy and one of the twins is suffering from iugr, but they are waiting a few more weeks until she is further along to deliver and hoping that baby stays alive.
Now this email really pisses me off.
1. This group is for parents who babies have DIED. Not ones that are still alive and can live (I understand if a parent finds out their fetus will have a birth defect that they will die from at birth or just afterwards, but that isn't the case here).
2. This women is 30 WEEKS pregnant. What are they waiting for? Caitlyn was delivered at 31 weeks and though it isn't ideal, survival is over 90% at this stage. Why risk having one of your babies die when it can and would very likely live if it was delivered today.
Maybe what pisses me off the most about this email is that B had the same condition, but it happened a lot earlier before anything could be done. If B had lived until 24 weeks we would have been discussing delivering, and here these people are 6 weeks further along and not doing anything about it. They could save their child - something I never got to do.