Happy Belated Birthday Cheryl & Pictures of the randomness.:P
Makan Time!:D
Crazy woman.
Super unglam.
action girl.:P
the gayiest person I met.:P Not me, but her.:D
Honeydew italian Soda.:D
EEEE, She so gay.:P
I do not know why is the room always this messy, ROOM I/C!
Rosanne wants to be in the picture, but failed.:P Too bad!:D
Ogay, now for the total overdued.
Cheryl's birthday dinner on the 28th!:D
Yikes, I'm like a so gay.:P
I look sleepy, I know. But I really was.:D
Cheryl with her gay sister!:D
This is crazy.:P
This is gay, but I'm not.
Cut thy cake
& busy on phone.:P
Cut thy cake again!:D
Family photo:D - Formal!:)
Informal, & it looks like a no difference from the formal, except me. Boring!:P
Cheryl is so cool!:D
Lovely people who came over to my place at like 12 am plus in the morning.:) Thanks!:D
With like a the many loves!:D
& finally end!:D