August Fringe Podcasts

Mar 21, 2017 10:00

Originally published at Cheryl's Mewsings. Please leave any comments there.

Thanks to some magnificent work by Tom Parker we are rapidly getting caught up on the BristolCon Fringe podcasts. Right now we are limited more by our bandwidth limits on the Podbean account than anything else. We should be fully up to date in early April, which is good because the March reading last night was very good.

Our first reader for August was Jo Lindsay Walton. He treated us to a tale of time travel and that great conundrum of choronauts, the killing of Baby Hitler. Our heroes are a bunch of characters from what sounds like a Silicon Valley start-up. Or perhaps Seattle, because there is Starbucks.

Our second reader for August was Scott Lewis. He treated us to two story fragments. The first involves a hangover, fried breakfast, and airship maintenance. In the second an Anglo-Saxon missionary visits a part of the West Country that man was never meant to know.

The August Q&A developed into an interesting discussion regarding the various merits of description-driven fiction versus dialogue-driven fiction. We learned what Scott’s superpower is.

science fiction, podcasts

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