Originally published at
Cheryl's Mewsings. Please leave any
comments there.
As well all know from Disney’s Jungle Book, bears are famously omnivorous. Personally I tend to side with Bagheera over Baloo, but that’s feline solidarity for you. However, there are other creatures that eat ants. Australians, for example.
Thanks to the excellent cheese magazine, Culture, I have discovered
Anthill, which is a chèvre coated in lemon myrtle leaves and ants. It achieved a top 16 placing in last year’s World Cheese Awards. Also it retails for a whopping AU$350/kilo (around US$270/kilo at current rates). My congratulations to Kris Lloyd of
Woodside Cheese Wrights. Thankfully it is so expensive that I don’t feel the need to try it.