Originally published at
Cheryl's Mewsings. Please leave any
comments there.
Having made the paper edition of Shadow Histories of the River Kingdom available for pre-order, Amazon appears to have withdrawn it again. I’m assuming it will come back in a few days when it hits the publication date.
In the meantime they have put the
Kindle edition up for pre-order. You can also pre-order it from
Google who are running a pre-order offer. Kobo apparently has a large backlog in getting books on sale, and Nook doesn’t seem to want to do pre-orders. I’ll update
this page with links as and when things change.
As a reminder, there will be copies available at BristolCon, Eurocon and Novacon. If you want to be sure of getting one, please tell me and I’ll reserve one for you. (That’s especially true of Eurocon as I won’t be able to carry many copies.)