Originally published at
Cheryl's Mewsings. Please leave any
comments there.
I am safely arrived in Canada. It has been a fairly painless trip, thanks in no small part to great friends in London and the excellent staff on the Heathrow Express.
The movie selection on Air Canada was not great, but they did have some good documentaries. First up there was a biography of Mary Tyler Moore which I loved. Obviously back in the 70s I would have settled for just being a woman, any woman, but Mary’s TV show was still a shining beacon of possibility for me. I loved the fact that Oprah shot a version of the opening credits with herself as Mary. And yeah, I have been to Minneapolis and seen the statue.
I also managed to catch a food show about artisanal cheeses in British Columbia. It featured
Little Qualicum,
Moonstruck and
Salt Spring Island. So when I get to Victoria I want to check out
this place and see what I can buy.
Oh, and I set the high score on the entertainment system’s trivia game. I have no idea how often the scores are re-set, but it you happen to be flying Air Canada do take a look and see if you have the same aircraft as I had.