New From Aqueduct

Mar 31, 2014 09:00

Originally published at Cheryl's Mewsings. Please leave any comments there.

Aqueduct Press has sent me three new books for sale. As always with Aqueduct, these look very interesting.

Alien Bootlegger and Other Stories by Rebecca Ore is a collection of feminist SF stories that examines what it means to be alien.

The Stone Boatmen is a fantasy novel by Sarah Tolmie that has a recommendation by Ursula K. Le Guin on the cover.

And the one that is the most interesting to me is New Amazonia: A Foretaste of the Future by Elizabeth Burgoyne Corbett. First published in 1889, it is a “sleeper awakes” style of utopian novel. Our heroine finds herself in Ireland in 2472. The country is run by women, but as with most utopias it has aspects to it that will horrify modern day readers. You can learn more about Corbett and her books at the Science Fiction Encyclopedia.

And yes, feminist science fiction was being written in 1889. What’s the betting Mrs. Corbett wouldn’t have been on the feature tables in bookstores either?

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