Originally published at
Cheryl's Mewsings. Please leave any
comments there.
I should probably do a bit more trans stuff than usual here as there is supposedly an International Trans Day of Visibility on March 31st. Thankfully, rather than have to write anything myself, I can always rely on Janet Mock be to doing something awesome somewhere that I can point you at.
The video below is of Janet’s recent appearance on the Google campus. I’m hugely impressed that she rates highly enough to be invited to speak there. It is a great interview too. It lasts just under 40 minutes.
Click to view
I’d like to add a few brief comments on the question Janet was asked about not being obviously trans (which is what that young man was asking, even if he was polite enough not to do so quite so baldly). Like Janet, I don’t feel the need to go around telling everyone I meet that I’m trans. They can find out easily enough if they want to. I don’t go around telling people that I’m Welsh, or a science fiction reader, either. Partly that’s because those things aren’t relevant to most of my day-to-day interactions with people. But also, the general public’s knowledge of trans folk is shockingly poor, and most of it nonsense they have picked up from the media. It isn’t something you would volunteer, believe me. Sometimes you need a rest from having to educate people.
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