Dec 11, 2010 21:20
HELLO. I'm really bored and wasted the whole afternoon away not studying. Yes. I'm good. I know. And what? Ok. I can't remember what i want to type. Oh. I just saw my blog posts like in my "point of view" and I noticed how many private posts there are. Haha. And yes. I'm gonna be a concert bitch next year. I just can feel it. Or else. I already did it. I already bought the tickets for 3 gigs. But they are much cheaper this time. And one of them is a festival so I'm gonna try to watch all acts to maximize the value since I missed the early bird price. :( Ok. And it's like it's only december and I bought 3 concert tickets for next year? Thank God for student price. :D As usual my concert going mates are a MIXTURE of people. :) I'm dying now but I'm not freaking out. Totally calls for reflection eh? What the shit am I talking about? And I just recently found an old friend. Heehee. And unearthed some secret from the past. Can't wait for start reading those books that I borrowed from friends. I'm so gonna make it this time cos I'm brilliantly smart as I choose to believe so.