Jan 22, 2010 02:22
My body clock is way screwed. I must sleep at least after 2am everyday no matter what. And before that I'll aimlessly surf the net. Beyond salvation!!! AAaaah! Like now. It's 2:10am and I'm not asleep yet although I'm damn tired. I'm so excited by the prospect of being able to buy toms tmr! Ehehehehe. To hell with money. I like the shade of purple on my nails though the polish is like full of bubbles and very rough and uneven. I'm craving for black pig ramen. I think I'm craving for a lot of stuff other than the ramen. I'm getting fatter every single day and haven't been motivated enough to move my ass. The last time I ran was more than 1 year ago. Yup. I think if I attempt 2.4 now I'll totally collapse and die and this would most probably happen in the 3rd round, assuming I have to round 6 rounds. School is such a boring piece of shit. Thursday is full of sleep-inducing lessons. I did try to stay awake. But still... And I've been dreaming about the meeting koc and being able to hugged them. Ehehehehe. But if that really happen in reality, I'll most probably be too star-strucked to ask for a hug and even a hand shake. I'll stare of them in disbelief and start transforming into a star-strucked stone. And I swear I hate the shivers and shaking the body convulsively thing when a band starts planning. I hate how the overwhelming feeling takes over my body and start producing these weird actions and I'm too star-strucked to enjoy the concert properly. My aim is to be not overly overwhelmed and starstruck. Must tell myself not to go into a trance state. Must start getting into the REAL school mood soon. Been putting off a lot of things for a very long time.