SJ & Chenny's Bday

Jun 02, 2013 23:44

this house is filled with surprises..
first my surprise proposal
and then a surprise party for SJ and Chen for their bday
(and then another surprise party for SJ a week later haha)

we had bucket of KFC drumstick for chen
she didnt even reliase until after the dinner ...
that it was her wish once to have a bucket of KFC drumstick for her birthday
blur chen !!!!

SJ was accidentally in the group chat so it was no more a surprise for him
domino's meatasaucarous.. my current fav pizza but it's darn expensive !!

Happy birthday gemini friend and bf !
mochi says it's his birthday too when ever it's anyone's birthday haha

nice group photo hehe

chenny's card

SJ's card hehe..

I got SJ a taboo board game for his birthday present..
because he has everything anyways...

we all played a couple of round of taboo.. which was quite entertaining

mochi is making himself super comfortable haha

and after that we had some additional super fun activity...
paint ball in the garden =D !
those are some pretty pellets

and after all the fun

birthday, events, friends

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