My 4th of July column...

Jul 02, 2009 17:10

I admit it, I’m unabashedly patriotic.  Not in the “I wear a flag lapel pin to prove it” way, but in the way that as Michael Douglas said in the role of Andrew Shepherd as The American President, “America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.”  I actually cheered right out-loud during that speech.  I know, I’m a sap.  But, it is so true.  THAT is the soul of being a patriotic American.  Being willing to fight (and die if necessary) for the right of a fellow citizen to proclaim their opinion, especially what their opinion is opposite yours.   That defines the American experience for me.

These last few weeks have given us extraordinary events.  What we take for granted being able to do here in America, is just unheard of in most places on the planet. In Iran, her people have risked life and limb to take to the streets in vocal protest of a contested election.   Reportedly, Iranian citizens have been beaten, shot, and tear-gassed showing their opinions and their displeasure.  Contrast that with just a few weeks ago when President Obama was here.  Protestors used their rights as Americans to voice their opinion.  Using another quote from movie, “The President doesn't answer to you, Lewis! … Oh, yes he does A.J. I'm a citizen, this is my President. And in this country it is not only permissible to question our leaders it's our responsibility!”    The beauty of that quote, is that it is so true and we see it happen every day; and it is NORMAL … not unusual.  Next, down in Honduras, the democratically elected leader was literally taken out of bed and flown out of the country by the military in a coup - something that has never even been threatened in a real way here in 233 years!   And in Iraq, earlier this week, the U.S. military, as agreed and planned, moved troops out of the cities.  I, like President Obama, won’t use the  phrase, “mission accomplished” - rather, I’ll use, “mission proceeding according to agreement.”  Contrast that to Afghanistan and the Soviets in the 1980’s.

Underlying much of America’s success is not just the strength and will of her private citizens, but also the determination and dedication of our military.    Our military which for 36 years has been an all-volunteer force; a fighting force that has stood between us and those who hate our way of life and would gladly see the U.S. Constitution erased from history.  These brave men and women leave their families and put themselves into harm’s way to defend America and her allies.  The families of these heroes deal with the absence of their loved ones living daily with the fear and the hardship, but they do it because they are patriots.  If you know one of these families, thank them.  Support them.  Help them any way you can.  The least we can do is make sure our soldiers, sailors and airmen deployed around the world know we hold their families in *our* families.    That too is patriotism.

John F. Kennedy famously said, “Don’t ask what America can do for you, ask what you can do for America.”  All are not called to serve, but we can all serve in our own way. “We've got serious problems, and we need serious people” to solve them.  This weekend,  salute the flag when she waves, take off your hat for our national anthem, enjoy the fireworks, enjoy your time with family and friends, be safe - and take some moments in freedom to figure out, from the very smallest ways to the largest, what YOU can do for America.  Because America is us - each and every single one of us and when each do something for America, America stands strong.   And THAT is truly Patriotism.

If you are in the US, I hope you, your friends and your family have a great holiday!!  I see the Remix has kicked up and I've lots of reading to do, plus I'm sure I'm way behind on the porn battle!!!  *rubs hands in glee*

4th of july column

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