The Hobbit trailer is out and you've probably already watched it but it looks ungodly fantastic as in "I'm actually trying to put myself in a coma until December 14th, 2012" because that is how great it looks! I'm pretty sure the only thing that got me through the end of Harry Potter was the fact that this was coming out!
And speaking of trailers, I'm not really that into the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises? I'm going to be perfectly honest here and just say that Nolan is one of the directors that Tumblr/LJ loves that have made like seven films that I'm not really hot on (Tarantino, Fincher and Aronofsky being the others) (I did dig Inception though) and also I've never liked his Batman movies except for Heath in TDK. But JGL looks great and Anne looks beautiful and Marion looks pretty so let's be real, I'll undoubtedly see it and then bitch about it for several months after because that's how I roll.
And I'm done with school for the semester (but working so much omg being employed is the pits!) so lbr I'll probably spend all my time watching movies and "writing"