Hello happy days. . .

Mar 09, 2009 18:23

Currently majorly obsessed with Stefani Germonatta. Waiting in anticipation for Friday's shenanigans with my fabulous party people. We are dressing up and staying out in LA so we will all be safe. I wanna roll with him, what a hard pair we will be. . . . For as much as I never listen to the radio, i am all up in the pop poop right now. Got the new Lily Allen album as well. I hope a feud between her and Katy Perry doesn't happen, I remember reading something online or in a magazine or someshit that was quoting Lily Allen on what revenge she would take blah blah blah blah

Haven't had internet at home in forever, but then i am never home anymore to use it, so who cares. I twitter mostly because i can send them via text and when i do go online it's usually through my BlackBerry. I guess it's pretty cool, i am actually out and about and living life instead of quarantining myself in my dark cave of a room and spending endless hours reading useless info that fills what remaining brain cells i have left.

Little things make me happy. I had Pho with my sister for lunch. Mimosas with KaDi after I picked her up from the airport upon her return from Florida. Sleeping in my bed (although i can pretty much sleep anywhere) Seeing the hawks perched up on the light poles that line the transition ramps of the freeways. Visits from friends that light up my day. Never directly answering questions from people who stare at me while i work behind the bar. haha

When did I start wearing make-up everyday? I remember when I prided myself on the fact that I can shit shower and go and be ready to do anything quick-style. Now I carry a make-up bag around and actually have to 'get ready' Ah well, it's fun. If i am tired and don't feel like doing it, i don't. I need new jeans.

I went to NY last weekend. Wish I was there again. The snow coming down was fabulous and it's not like i've never seen snow before but I felt like a little kid again giggling inside seeing actual snowflakes falling on me. I loved taking the subway everywhere - reminded me of when I backpacked through Europe back in 2002. Oh how I long to venture the world once more. I need to find me job that pays me to party. I'd be damn good at it and i'd blog about it and everything.

My daughter's girl scout troop leader volunteered some TMI to me when I was picking up the 169 boxes of politically correct girl scout cookies. She's mormon so there is no cussing and alcohol in her house where her oldest son is a homosexual. She shares this with me after I tell her that the secret to how many boxes Caitlynn sold can be attributed to the fact that I work at two different bars and that's where i was bringing everything to be delivered. HAHA How now brown chicken brown cow.

I wanna go to school. Not the kind my parents' want me to complete, haha.
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