Nov 28, 2007 12:27
I really should be working on an observation paper that is due tomorrow for my Anthropology class.
But before I do that I need to email my professor because I've been skipping class because I've been working way too much and am just plum tired all the time.
She also kind of scares me.
I need to catch up on my reading in my Comparative Literature class as well as start putting together my thoughts for the term paper due 12/5.
I shouldn't be working so much but how else am I supposed to earn money for bills and booze and babes (haha)
I cannot work the streets anymore (JK!) so I will just have to succumb to finding a sugar daddy (JK! JK!)
I need to buy toilet paper and dish soap and put away all my freshly laundered clothes.
I need to pay my storage facility before they auction off all my crap if they haven't done so already.
My car is filthy. I need to get it washed and vacuumed.
I want to color and cut my hair.
I am debating if I want to get my nails done. I often ponder this, but never do it.
I do need to remove this worn red polish that got ruined from helping out in the kitchen for Thanksgiving.
It is cold in my room, this leads me to believe that the heater is broken in here.
Our shower and sink also need some snakin' action.
This past weekend I watched National Treasure, The Reaping, Bobby, Shooter, Zodiac, I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, and . HP The Goblet of Fire.
I also had some really satisfying sex which I forgot that I missed having since I wasn't having any for a while there.
I really want to see Enchanted, August Rush, Lars and the Real Girl and Battle Royale.
There is a cook at work who tells me "I'm missing you baby" cause I hardly (=do not) work lunch shifts anymore.
First off douchecock, I am NOT your baby. Crazy deluded fool.
I am barely home. I miss it.
I cannot find my earphones for my iPod. MANNAGGIA!
Caitlynn needs to visit the dentist.
I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled before my teeth go crooked.
I need to hang on, there is less than a month left until this semester is over.
I miss everyone who reads/has LJ!
Caitlynn is the best little (BIG!) girl I could ever imagine asking for.
She's a budding fashionista.
I wish I had more income to be able to afford a place where she could have her own room so we can do cool things with it.
Like build a fort.
That Sears commercial where the mom buys her daughter a whole new wardrobe because she's starting at a new school where she doesn't have to wear a uniform like the previous school makes me choke up and ache inside.
I haven't written in so long I didn't even know where to start so I decided to randomly spit out the thoughts that would land or allow me to catch them.
I still think I am not doing much with my two classes at CSULB, but dammit, it's about time I realized that my going BACK to a university after a 6 year hiatus is a BIG DAMN DEAL.
Let's hope I at least graduate WITH my brosef.
Andy is 19.
About to finish up his 3rd semester at CSULB.
He needs to get a job already.
My mother is having a hard time.
She's going through menopause.
She is fine one moment and thinks the world is closing in on her the next.
I feel bad I cannot take care of her and help her as much but dammit, she's ONLY 53, she's not old yet!
What the FUCK!?
I am going to be TWENTY SEVEN!?!?!?!?
And you all wonder what YOU'VE got to show for your age?
Don't stress about it.
You know there will be twists and turns and yields and merges and road closed take alternate routes up ahead.
At least you're aware that you want to do something.
Kudos ;)
I am proud that I have money for rent and it's the 28th.
Guess all those hours working paid off somehow.
They're letting me have more bar shifts.
We'll see how long that lasts before they throw me back into the kitchen.
At times I feel like I should find a job more meaningful.
But then I think again and realize where else am I going to find a place making the money that I do looking how I do?
(Piercings, tattoos, hair)
I need to remember that I am a 'student' again so I don't need a meaningful job right now.
I want to take a nap.
I am tired and sleepy because I worked the closing shift behind the bar last night and still had to get up and take Caitlynn to school this morning.
I drank a vanilla latte so I wouldn't doze off in class.
I am basically cracked out right now.
Cheryl-Lynn = not a caffeine drinker
Cheryl-Lynn + grande vanilla latte = qwerpoihgtuaifdkgjhalkdhjsfiuads
Hahah why do I do this to myself.
I laugh at myself.