Best Of at Babb_Chronicles!

Sep 13, 2008 05:35

Or Worst Of, rather. (If you're reading it, try to skip the horrific sex scenes.) This is their first Best Of since 2006 - I should know because I did the last one. XD

I remember most of the quotes, but since I joined the footie fandom some of them read a bit... differently.

"Yes!" I cried in victor.

"Oh, Christi!" Victor responded.

The Marauders mourn the death of OneEyed Willy, the finger person.

Poor Sagnol; he never recovered from his eye injury.

God smiled as he took another sip of his tequila. His plan was falling into place.

Once Sandro had killed Zlatan with the poisoned condom, Milan would RULE THE WOOOOOORLD!!!

Now Leo i know that i can't kill you or hurt you too badly but the Dark Lord has given me permission to punish you so i have decided to spank you" Snape said with a perverted smile.
" You sick freak" Leo said not liking the postion at all.

Messi and spanking. Hmm; I get the feeling I've covered this situation before. It's still bloody disturbing. Run, Leo, run!

It was 4 days later when Hermione was on the train too Hogwarts. She was wearing a purple Aeropostale dress that was low cut with a push up bra (A/N: not that she needed it wink) with a Buirberry printed jacket and Docl and Gabbana stilettos. She had her hair up in a messy bun with sparkly hair clips and she had Chanel logo earrings in her ears with real diamonds.

"What kind of fucking drag name is Hermione?" Totti complained.

"Ssshh!" Phil whispered hoarsely. "Don't draw attention to us! I think Seba's here somewhere..."

They gasped for air n hemroin (AN Helena) almost had n organism!

"What did you say your name was?" Totti mumbled, grabbing at the brunette's, erm, organism. "Hernan?"

"Oh yes!" 'she' gasped, and then, coughing and assuming an extremely squeaky voice, "Erm - no! Hemroin. Definitely Hemroin."

The Dark Lord clears his throat and everyone stops yapping and looks at him. "Yesterday was a crappy day, you all agree?"

"Only because Tamas kept getting in my way," Contra muttered sulkily.


*Looks back at excerpts* Well. That's improved most of them immeasurably, though I must admit that "God smiled as he took another sip of his tequila" would be one the most amazing opening lines of all time.

And, as I'm sure is obvious, babb_chronicles is ace.

football, harry potter

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