
Dec 06, 2011 19:56

Just saw the headline “Panucci rapinato a Roma, pistola alla tempia” and nearly fainted; Italian can be a tricky language sometimes. Thank god he was only robbed. He seems to be OK, but I feel the need for better news.

This fine young man is Admir Mehmedi, for those of you who don’t know him yet. This picture shows him being kissed awake by a teammate (Nikci), so he did what any right-thinking footballer should do and put it on his Facebook. Shaqiri, an NT teammate, then popped by to comment “Kuschle isch gsund ... :-)”. I’m not convinced this means anything in any language (except “kuschle”, which is “snuggle”), but the smily face is encouraging, yes?

Speaking of Shaq, I just found this picture illustrating how Barnetta thanks him for assists:

Seems to be some unresolved tension there. I think it might be caused by Xhaka's presence.

Finally, the Swiss U21 turns out to have a player called Vullnet Basha. Born to play football.

horrifying, football, swiss, awwwww, amazing

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