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Comments 4

lisachanoando April 12 2011, 20:28:00 UTC


cheryl_bites April 12 2011, 20:34:25 UTC
Well, we've known he was made of plastic for years, but he shouldn't let the journalists find out; it'll give the game away. (Martha keeps asking me if I've seen V, cos there are lizard people in it like Castellazzi. Apparently every episode someone's face gets ripped off to reveal scales underneath; Javi would fit in perfectly there.)


diemme April 12 2011, 22:49:25 UTC
It's the big reveal of the lizard people!


cheryl_bites April 13 2011, 08:35:14 UTC
D: They'd damn well better be saving that for something more impressive than a CL quarter-final! "You will go to the Sol system, where you will confront the entity known as Schalke '04..." It's not quite as impressive as "You will wipe out the accursed humans", is it?


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