10 Persons Meme (a different one this time!)

Jul 26, 2010 13:52

Stolen off Def :D

First, write down the names of 10 characters. Then read and answer the questions. You can't look at the questions (or click on the cut) until you write down the 10 characters you're going to use.

1. Roberto Rosetti
2. Christian Chivu
3. Javier Zanetti
4. Dan Alexa (captain of Timisoara; kicks people a lot)
5. Paul the Octopus
6. Pantaleo Corvino
7. Gokhan Inler
8. Wesley Sneijder
9. Riccardo Montolivo
10. Davide Santon

1) 1 and 5 woke up the next morning next to each other and naked. How do they react and what might have happened the night before?

RoRo occupies himself with swimming as fast as possible out of Paul’s tank. Paul investigates his toes to see if they are edible. What happened the night before? Oh, they were probably drunkenly commiserating with each other about their retirement, and fell asleep halfway through.

2) 3 establishes a restaurant but needs some help. Who could be the cook? Who the barman? And who the waiter? Should 9 or 7 be the doorman?

Javi already has a restaurant called El Gaucho that has pretty good reviews. He wants some bad reviews for once? OK, Corvino can cook, Monty can be the barman as long as he dresses the same as in that Viola advert, and Paul can be the waiter because he has eight arms. Inler should obviously be the bouncer.

3) 6 and 1 want to badmouth 7 in his/her presence. How will they do that?

I can’t imagine what Corvino would have against Inler unless he refused to come to Fiorentina, and RoRo doesnt badmouth people, he just grins at them patronisingly. And what d’you mean, “How will they do that”? They’ll open their mouths and say bad things about him. It isn’t difficult.

4) 2 creates an invention and shows it to 5, 8 and 3. What is it and what do the other three think about it?

Christi inventing something. *Scratches head for a long time* I once said to Martha that he was looking forward to the day he’d be old enough to drive around the pitch on a mobility scooter; clearly it should be something like that, but with lots of arms that can stick out and grab the ball, foul the opposition and pull down their pants. Javi is not convinced and pulls his concerned about meat face. Wes is really impressed and wonders if he can use it to attack the ref. Paul has lots of suggestions for extra arms, for example, to repair the pitch where it’s damaged and to perform fly-by drugs tests on Mutu.

5) 5 is moving to a new city and therefore throws a big party. Who out of 1, 4, 9 and 10 would most likely NOT drink any alcohol to give the others a ride home?

Awww, Paul’s leaving Oberhausen? :( Hm. RoRo, Dan, Monty and Santon. Monty is partial to a cocktail, as we’ve already seen, and Santon will probably be trying to pull birds while wearing his underpants on his head. I’m not sure whether RoRo and Dan drink. However, the sight of Paul reminds RoRo of the naked escapade and he has to get pissed to forget about it, thus leaving Dan the designated driver by default.

6) 1 meets after a long time finally with his/her Internet-friend. As 1 gets to the meeting he/she finds out that 8 is that Internet-friend. Unfortunately 8 is 1’s biggest rival in real-life. Does 1 still go to the meeting? If yes how will it be and if no, how does 1 excuse his/her absence?

RoRo isn’t Wes's rival, precisely, but I can see why he’d be afraid of being bludgeoned to death. How would he excuse his absence? Well, he could say Yolanthe had sent him death threats warning him to keep away from Wes.

7) 7 has ordered something strange from Beate Uhse (a sexy shop) but the parcel accidentally ends up at 4’s house. What does 4 think about it and what will 4 do with the contents?

Inler’s present has gone to Dan. *Thinks* I’m entirely unfamiliar with Beate Uhse, but I assume they sell anal sex toys? Dan is insanely religious, so he’ll be deeply shocked and burn it in outrage.

8) 10 and 6 wake up in the morning, their minds and bodies swapped. How do they cope with the situation and does 4 notice?

Davide Santon has swapped bodies with Corvino. Something tells me he’ll be completely unable to move. He will also sign the worst players in the world for Fiorentina and bankrupt the Della Valles; on getting his body back, he will find it is five stone heavier. And does Dan Alexa notice?... the mind boggles. OK, he was in talks about moving to Fiorentina, and can’t help noticing that “Corvino” now greets him with “Yo, dude.”

9) After a year 5 appears suddenly with a baby-boy at 3’s Birthday party. While everybody is staring at them, 5 demands that 7 meets his fatherhood/her motherhood obligations. How does 7 react?

First, Javi has invited Inler to his birthday party. This is excellent. Second, Inler has impregnated Paul the Octopus. The only problem I have with this scenario is that I really hate mpreg, but we’ll pretend that male octopodes, like male seahorses, can give birth. The baby octo-Inler is a demon with the ball, but unfortunately takes hours to get on the pitch because he has to carefully roll over the tops of all eight of his socks. Anyway, Javi demands that Gokhan be a responsible parent. What Javi would do, obviously... Oh, no, it’s Paul doing the demanding, isn’t it? OK, Gokhan sighs and tries to get octo-Inler a position on Udinese’s youth team.

10) 10 writes a passionate signed love-letter to 6 without mentioning 6’s name. But before the love-letter reaches 6, 3 finds it and thinks it is for him/her. What actions does 10 take?

Davide Santon writes a passionate love letter to Corvino. He must have really enjoyed that body-swap business, or perhaps he just likes having something he can grab hold of. Unfortunately, Javi thinks the letter’s for him, and will no doubt be greatly miffed by the implication his bum’s that big. Santon’s best course of action is to explain VERY QUICKLY that it was intended for someone else. Javi might forgive him.

11) 5 and 8 are buried alive together. What are their last words to each other?

O_o Well, this quiz took a macabre turn remarkably quickly. Wes will rage about the stupid grave and be biting a way out of it with his teeth. Paul will say, “Glug, glug, glug.”

12) God wants a second flood but only 3 and one other person are to survive. Who would 3 choose to preserve humanity?

Ditto. Er, who would Javi choose to preserve humanity? His wife, at a rough guess. He’d be a bit gutted about his kids copping it, though, wouldn’t he? (Oh, god. Does the other person have to be someone else off this list? Then none of them; they wouldn’t meet his quality standards.)

13) As 2 enters his private chambers, 8 lays naked in his/her bed. what will happen?

To “lay” means: (1) to place something on a surface; (2) to produce an egg; (3) to have sex. I doubt Christi calls his bedroom his “private chambers”, but anyway, Wes is having sex or laying eggs in his bed. I should imagine he’d probably be miffed, and tell Wes to do so elsewhere. (I suspect the quiz author meant “8 lies naked in his bed”, in which case they’d shag.)

14) 4 and 10 ask 9 whether he/she wants to join a night in a threesome. How does 9 react?

Dan and Davide Santon ask Monty to join them in a threesome. >.< OK, we’ll assume Dan was introduced to Santon via Chivu or Mutu, though why he’d find him so irresistible I’m not quite sure. Anyway, Monty is initially horrified by the proposition, but suddenly notices that Dan’s legs are even more willowy and dainty than his own. He is smitten and says yes, but asks Dan privately whether they can’t jettison Santon en route.

15) 1 is a model for a nude drawing art course. 4 and 7 are taking part in that course. What happens?

RoRo stands around in the nude looking profoundly complacent while Inler leers at him. Dan will probably be rather horrified, producing an astoundingly bad drawing that puts RoRo’s nose right out of joint.

16) 8 was having a swim naked in mountain lake. As 8 returns to the shore his/her clothes are gone. Nearby 2, 5 and 10 are having an argument about the clothes. Why do they argue? What else happens?

Wes is skinny-dipping in Lake Como, OK. Nearby, Christi, Santon and Paul the Octopus are arguing about his clothes. Paul says they’re hideous; Christi and Santon can’t understand what he means. Wes runs around after Paul screaming with veins popping out of his head, but Paul dives into the lake and swims away.

17) 6 has to take over 3's job for one day. What happens?

Corvino takes over Javi’s job? Thank god it’s not the other way round. OK, does this involve body-switching again? If so, the rest of Inter will be disturbed by the change in Javi’s posture and his tendency to mutter darkly, but they’ll shrug and carry on. If Corvino just turns up in his purple tracksuit, mayhem will ensue.

18) 4 shows 1 a faked photograph... showing 6 and 9 doing dirty things. What does 1 say?

*Impressed* Corvino gets around, doesn’t he? And he’s having it off with Monty. All right, Dan would be shocked (again) if he could figure out what was going on, but he’s probably just concerned that Monty’s going to die. RoRo takes the picture and promises Dan he will investigate the situation. He experiences severe disappointment when he finds it’s a fake.

19) 4 would like to be 9's apprentice. Would 9 accept 4’s wish? Why not?

Dan would like to be Monty’s apprentice? >.< At what? He’s been captain for god knows how long now and he knows all about being fey and willowy. And kicking people. Now, if Monty wanted to be Dan’s apprentice...

20) 2, 9 and 10 are invited to try out a new machine, that beams people to different places. They arrive at their destination in good health but they are naked. What will they do?

So that’s Chivu, Monty and Santon. I don’t care what they’ll do; the world will just heave a sign of relief about their awful clothes being gone.

21) 7 and 8 are practicing a kissing scene between Romeo and Juliet for their theatre play which opens in one week. 1 and 2 have no idea of the theatre play - so how do they react when they suddenly enter the room?

Inler and Wes as Romeo and Juliet? DX Well, there’s quite a lot of drama and violence in there, and I’m sure whoever’s Juliet will look very fetching in his wig. And then Rosetti and Chivu walk in. Erm, RoRo will make a run for it before Wes can hit him, while Christi will give Inler a rambling lecture on the importance of taking good care of Wes.

22) What excuse do all the characters have to escape from this meme?

Eh? Oh, I get it. Well, most of them have jobs to do, and Paul’s an octopus.

football, chivu, alexa, amazing

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