Fiorentina-Aston Villa dilemma

Jul 09, 2009 12:29

All right. I need some help on this one. The situation: Fiorentina are playing a friendly with Aston Villa in Birmingham on the 8th of August. Though this is a three-hour train journey away from me, the tickets are surprisingly cheap and I can’t help thinking it might be fun. However, the concept provokes certain logistical problems, mostly involving cameras.

If I go to the match:

• Do I have to take a scarf/banner/vuvuzela, or do I just wear purple?
• Do I just go and watch the match, or do I take photos as well?
• Will there be a good vantage point from which to take photos?
• Do I just go straight home afterwards, or do I wait out the back for the players so I can demand their autographs, à la Manics gig?

Various Kellie-like people will no doubt be saying at this point, OMG YES TAKE YOUR CAMERA PHONE. Alas, I do not have a camera phone. I have a heavy and extremely expensive DSLR, and to get some good shots of the distant players I would need to buy a telephoto lens; not much of an imposition, admittedly, since I want one anyway, but it would add to the weight and expense. And yes, if some chav nicked my camera I could claim insurance, but that’s a complication I don’t need. So the question is:



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